Here, you can find valuable tips that you can use before, during, or after your tutoring sessions.
Keep in mind that you do not have to use any of these suggestions, all are optional but recommended.
Different sections of tips:
In advance to your session.
During your session.
After your session.
One: In advance to you session.
Create slideshows or notes for your sessions.
Creating slideshows can help learners be more engaged and focused during the sessions.
It can help you remember exactly what you an to cover and keep everything organized.
Plus, you can receive extra volunteering hours for that ;)
Practice mock tutoring with friends or family.
Practicing mock-tutoring can help you feel and be more prepared to host the actual session.
It can help you be more prepared so you can adjust the session to make sure you’re providing high-quality sessions.
There are some mock-tutoring sessions at Schoolhouse that you can attend before you host your own session.
Practice the content beforehand.
Especially if you have not practiced or went over the topic you’ll be teaching in the session, it crucial that you practice beforehand to make sure you remember it properly.
This can help you feel more confident and ensure that you are teaching accurate information in your sessions.
Two: During your sessions.
Encourage questions!
Make sure to create a comfortable learning environment so that the learners can feel comfortable to ask questions.
Accommodate each session so it fits the learner's needs.
Avoid giving away answers: Please promote active learning in each session by guiding learners, explaining steps, and encouraging problem-solving instead of providing direct answers! This helps them understand the question and their content better!
Understand how your student learns.
Be understanding and confident.
Three: After you sessions.
Send some resources to attendees that they can use to practice and further their understanding of the topic.
Be respectful and end you session on a good note.
Send the attendees links to other session at Schoolhouse with related content.
We thank you for all your contributions at STEMPOWERed and now at Schoolhouse. Please message @Flakky if you have any questions or more suggestions to include in this list.