Easily Organize And Share Your Favorite Articles (Template)

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Easily Organize And Share Your Favorite Articles (Template)

Organize your favorite articles, links, videos, and other resources, for yourself, or for your community.

How to get started with this template

1. Copy the doc

Get started by copying this doc.
Copy this doc

2. Customize categories and tags

Now you’re ready to customize the and
. In this template, I’ve organized my links into top-level categories, with tags underneath categories. In other words, each category has several tags underneath it.
But you should feel free to organize in whatever structure works for you.

3. Add links

Once you’ve decided on your general organizational structure, add your favorite links to , and organize them with categories and tags.

4. Build your pages and subpages

On the left, create a page for each category, and subpages for each tag. For example, this template has two category pages ( and ) that correspond to the
@Product Management
categories in .
Note: you’ll need to create a new page/subpage any time you add a new category or tag. This doesn’t happen automatically 🙂
Within each page, create a filtered view of the table to show just the links that have the corresponding category and tag. For example, here’s what the filter for the page looks like:
An easy way to set up these filtered views is by copying the view from the previous page and pasting it into the new page. Then, just pop open the filter settings and change the tag and category.

5. Show off your favorite resources in each category

Show off your favorite resources on the main pages for each category. To add a link to your list of favorites, just check the “Favorite” box in . Check out for an example.

5. Handle errors

Sometimes when you paste a link into , the embed shows an error. This usually happens when the website you are linking to isn’t structured well for embed. But that’s okay! Just click “error override”, then head to to add a manual title and subtitle.

6. Publish the doc and share with friends

The best part of curating resources is sharing them with others. Once you’ve organized your resource list, click Share→ Publish. Then share the published doc link with friends or tweet it to the world ❤️
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