Confirmation: “You have linked the subscriber account associated with email.”
Click on “Reset my PIN”
Confirmation containing your Unique Preview PIN: "Your PIN has been successfully reset to <4-digits>. This PIN will not appear after refreshing the page. Make sure to save your PIN for future reference.”
2) Memorize your PIN
“Note: our pre-release content security relies on the PIN randomness, and resetting your PIN beyond a certain limit is not permitted.”
An additional special row called “Preview Content” should appear when you log in, although it may take up to 24 hours for it to appear the first time. Pre-release content playback requires your unique PIN.
To switch to another subscriber account, you will need to first unlink your existing email address and then enter a new email in WhitePages. Simply unlink your subscriber account to opt-out of employee Preview.
To prevent your kids or cousins from watching preview content, you have to enter your unique PIN each time you play content. Please do not share this PIN with anyone.
It would be best not to post about the upcoming titles before launch as it might confuse your friends or others. It's fine for your family members to watch with you.
Issuse Reporting
If you ever spot an issue with content while you’re watching, please