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Proposed Scope of Work

To support the growth of Regroop's financial services in this high-potential market, I am proposing a strategic 30 day web development partnership between CAMI Studio and Regroop. By leveraging our experience building digital presence for financial professionals and Regroop's existing track record, we can significantly expand his business's footprint across diverse industries.
Our proposed scope will include:

Website Design

Homepage layout with custom graphics and branding
Responsive design for optimal viewing on all devices
Unique page templates for About, Services, Testimonials, Contact

Website Development

Installation and configuration of WordPress CMS
Contact forms, lead generation, and email integration as needed
Search engine optimization including meta tags, alt text, etc.
Site speed optimization and performance testing

Content Creation

Original custom content for all pages, optimized for SEO and conversions
Copywriting for compelling website copy, service descriptions, about section
Content recommendations for blog, testimonials, and other ancillary pages

Testing and Deployment

Cross-browser functionality testing
Staging environment for review and approval
Final deployment to live web server

Your Investment

This scope of work outlines key deliverables that can be accomplished based on the 90 day timeframe and $3,500 budget as discussed.

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