
Confirm OK: When a user signs up, they will sign up with one email address. From this account they can create multiple profiles under the same email, with a unique username handle - same as Instagram.
This would mean users do not need to sign in on every switch, they can jump between profiles seamlessly.
Username should not be input by the user, it should be a unique guid in the backend. You cannot have two profiles with the same name.
Contacts list: Importing contacts from the device - do we import all contacts? Ate the contacts shared across all profiles?
We are going to have to add the phone number back in, to add it from the contacts list. info (why we need this).
Profiles: Are there any restrictions on how many profiles a user can create? Bear in mind that the charges are per user for sendbird.
Can a user delete a single profile?
Reporting users: There is no admin panel, so we will need to have an automated reporting/deactivation process. How many reports before a profile is deactivated?
Manual reporting to admin, UI change will be needed.
Incoming chats/calls: Should a user receive notifications for all profiles or only the currently active one? We do think it makes sense to do currently active and show within the other profile there are missed notifications.
Notifications should come through for both profiles
If they should get for all, should the active profile be changed in that case, if they tap on the notification of a profile which is not active?
Also brings in the complexity if there is an active call on one profile, but incoming for another, do we switch the profiles if they choose to answer that call and terminate the active call?
Ongoing call: Whilst a user is in an ongoing call, can they perform any other actions at the same time?
Send a message, no profile switching
Custom notifications: What is the use case for custom notifications? Since there is no backend admin panel, we need to figure out a way for you to send these notifications.
Onesignal // Firebase
Notification preferences: Device: Will need to be app-wide for all profiles to allow OS level control
Users in a call: Sendbird has a restriction of up to 6 on a video call, I suggest that we keep the same for voice calls (which you can have up to 100 of). But you pay per user per minute, so 6 seems like a good number.
If agreed: should we limit group sizes to 6? If no, don’t limit, does the initiator of the call have to choose the participants? If so, designs needed.
5 video / 5 call.
1 hour limit.
If the group is larger than 5 the option to call or video call icons disappears.
File size: Awaiting documentation from Sendbird.
Viewing a profile: How does the user view someones profile from their group call info, is it by tapping on the users name/profile?
GPT through Sendbird is not going to be possible, their implementation is for Chatbots only at this stage.
E2EE will restrict some services from Sendbird, such as moderation (admin-flagged messages with profanity and language) and auto-translate as they will not be able to access the message. Awaiting full list of Sendbird feature exclusion as a result of E2EE.
Industry and Role list

Delete reasons will be logged in the backend for a future admin panel.

Sign Up queries and Assumptions: Responses

Company Related Queries
In the Personal profile, where do we get the company name from? As we are not having a company profile in the MVP phase.
A user can input their company name, but if the company has been registered already matches will be shown.
Company profile is not considered in the MVP although the designs have it so is it to be ignored?
Company profile not being part of the MVP where will the values for the company field come from?
As discussed 27/04 Company Profiles are simplified for MVP to have the same functionality as User Profiles, with different fields shown on sign-up.
(If company profile is to be included) Can company profile work as an individual profile eg, can chat, create groups, initiate calls etc. #States missing.
Yes, the function is the same.
(If company profile is to be included) Can the user create a company and personal profile with the same email? ​Not relevant as per above
(If company profile is to be included)Should there be any background check? Any body can create any company’s profile? Can multiple users create same company’s profile? #States missing. ​There will be no background check.

Profile Queries
Assuming user can have multiple profiles with the same email on the phone which he can switch but cannot have two accounts with different emails.
Yes, this is correct. Profiles will be limited to a maximum of 2 per email sign in.
Assuming we introduce unique handles/user names to differentiate profiles with same email. #States missing.
The unique handlers should be hidden, creating a unique user handle for the back end. User profiles will be viewed as their name on the front end.
There is no need for a Sign In feature when adding a second profile now that there is no login while adding an account like shown in the design.
This is good.
Contacts are shared across multiple profiles? So if I add someone in my profile A then would the same contact appear in profile B?
Yes, the contacts list is the same across profiles
Any restrictions on how many profiles a user can create with a single email?#States missing.
Can a user delete a single profile he has to completely delete the account.? #States missing.
Can delete individual profile, this should work with Sendbird as we can set them up as two users.

Reporting a user Queries
When a user reports another user, all his profiles are reported or just the one he is chatting with?#States missing.Reporting will be simplified, when a user reports another the admin will be sent an email to say “[User A] has reported [User B because] of [Reason]” along with the details of both users. The admin can deactivate profiles in Sendbird, is there a state missing for when your own profile has been deactivated?
Where are reported users seen when we do not have an admin panel. ​This will be an email to the admin when they are reported, and users can be deactivated in Sendbird. ​Discuss

Notifications Queries
Can the users receive incoming calls on all the profiles or just the active profile?Users will receive notifications for both profiles, but the notification should show which profile it is for. If a user is on an active call on profile A they cannot answer a call from profile B, a missed call notification should be shown in profile B.
When a user is having more than one profile, should he get notifications for all the profiles or just the active one? ​Same as above
If he should get for all, should the active profile be changed in that case, if he taps on the notification of a profile which is not active? #States missing.Yes
Notifications when a user joins the platform: It is mentioned that when the user is in the user’s contact list, but now when we are using email is the contact list thing still relevant? ​We will be requesting access to the user’s contact list, from this we should be able to tell if a contact has joined clubcoms as we are also collecting phone number now.
In the requirement it is mentioned “Custom notifications for ClubComms” Without the admin panel how are we going to trigger the notifications? ​We need to achieve this using something like Onesignal or Firebase.
Things to research/Missed states : When an active call is going on in one profile, and a new video/audio call is received on another profile? #States missing. ​Answered in another question

Hardware and OS level permissions and when to seek them is not decided yet. States if not allowed are missing. #States missing. ​Ryan has defined this in the Figma file, if there are any missing let him know and he will confirm.
Assuming notification preferences do not work profile-wise, they are common for all the profiles. #States missing. ​This is fine for preferences

Profile/Settings Assumptions and Queries

Assuming that while changing an email, the user will be allowed to enter only those emails which are not previously registered with the profile. ​Yes, that is fine.
Assuming Delete account is permanent delete and not deactivation or soft delete. All the profiles linked to the email are deleted. #States missing.Delete account is final, this is fine. Messaging will need to be clear.
Now that user can create multiple profiles with the same email, the current flow of adding an account which asks for email to be verified is not required, it will directly ask for First Name, Last name, role, location etc. Taken care of in figma by Ryan, this is correct.
Assuming that Help section is only simple email conversation, and the email communication happens out of the application, via email client. ​Correct
If a user tries to login using an email address which is already registered, it will trigger the transfer flow? #States missing.
Flow which we have assume, If a user tries to login/sign up with an email which is already registered, there will be two scenarios.
If the user is switching the phone, in case on the old phone he will get a transfer notification which he can accept/reject.
if the phone is lost, he will get an OTP on the verified email, which he can enter to transfer the contacts/data. ​The transfer flow is not included, and not needed as we have email log in now.

Chat and Calls Assumptions and Queries

Assuming the search is across the platform, as there is no contact list feature now.
Search is an individual’s contacts, there is no public search. Contacts are made up of those from the phone’s contact list and those invited and accepted.
Can groups and individuals be made favourites or just individual profiles? #States missing.Groups can also be favourite
Add favorite/Remove favorite design is missing. #States missing. ​It is here:
In group chat, for cryptic messages to disappear it is assumed that it will get deleted after all the participants have viewed the message. ​Yes, after they have viewed the message, it stays on their screens for the duration specified then destroys.
How many features do we want to allow during an ongoing call? #States missing.
You can access other chats, and profiles and send messages, you cannot start other calls or switch profiles.
What is the access point for call info screen? “Calls info variants” screen in figma.
View design for Media, Files, and Links State is missing. #States missing. ​Is this not viewing a photo/video?
Discuss: Part of missing states

Differences between Initial Discussions and Designs.

In the initial discussions, the primary id was phone number but in the designs the primary identifier is email.This is correct, it was needed in order to avoid the transfer flow.
Company profile was to be excluded as per the initial discussions, but company profile is a part of the designs, needs to be removed.See above comments
Transfer of account between contacts is not part of MVP, needs to be removed from the design.
As per the last call a user can create multiple profiles with a single email. (Round 2, Que 5)
Yes, two.
There is no need to get the mobile number of the user as now everything is managed via email.
We will not need the mobile number to be able to hook the function in “Someone joined Clubcoms” - this comes from your contact list in the phone.
There will be no status for Group messages, needs to be removed from the design.
Is this due to API restrictions? ​Seen message: investigate the complexity
Transfer Flow
Requirement because of:

Notifications: Multiple device notifications
Contacts: stored in the app, can import from the phone
One device at a time: “You are logged in on another device, please log out to continue on this device.”

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