icon picker
App Store Feature Images


Image 1:
Experience the Bedrock Lifestyle
Image 2:
Book your Perfect Getaway in just a Few Steps
Image 3:
Premium Accommodation in the Heart of the City
Image 4: Get Personalized Recommendations based on Your Preferences
Image 5:
Book Services and Receive Real-Time Support


Google Playstore

Phone res.:
Screenshots must be PNG or JPEG, up to 8 MB each, 16:9 or 9:16 aspect ratio, with each side between 320 px and 3,840 px
Preferably 1080 X 1920
10-inch Tablets:
Screenshots must be PNG or JPEG, up to 8 MB each, 16:9 or 9:16 aspect ratio, with each side between 1,080 px and 7,680 px
Preferably 2060 X 3740
7-inch Tablets:
Screenshots must be PNG or JPEG, up to 8 MB each, 16:9 or 9:16 aspect ratio, with each side between 320 px and 3,840 px
Preferably 2082 X 3702

Apple App Store

Screenshots must be in the JPG or PNG format, and in the RGB color space. App previews must be in the M4V, MP4, or MOV format and can’t exceed 500 MB
3 formats - Iphone 6.5" 6.7" and 5.5" Displays
1290 x 2796
1242 X 2688
1242 X 2208

Feature Image

PNG or JPEG, up to 15 MB, and 1,024 px by 500 px
This is Sycamore’s feature image on the app store as an example
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