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Coaching Dashboard

This interactive dashboard in Google Sheets was used to monitor our schoolwide instructional progress and assess the efficacy of our coaching plan to accelerate teacher development by providing differentiated coaching support and inform schoolwide professional learning cycles.


This summary dashboard provides an overview of teacher average effectiveness ratings from informal observations schoolwide and by content.

Department View

This view disaggregates data by teacher and by TEACH Key Action to identify teacher averages across the department as well as targeted TEACH Key Actions to focus on to improve that teacher’s instructional efficacy.
This view is also dynamic and interactive. By interacting with the data validation cells, the user can change the department as well as the scope of coaching. The above screenshot shows the ELA department and their overall scores, but it is also filterable by quarterly scores as well as most recent scores.
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In this view, all teachers are listed similarly to the above view, but it has the information for all teachers schoolwide as well as summary average at the top of the sheet to identify any necessary schoolwide instructional coaching shifts necessary to remediate schoolwide areas of growth

TEACH Key Action View

The TEACH Key Action view is a log of coaching interactions which has summary metrics on the side. Using the same technique as in the Department View, interactive data validations allow the user to dynamically filter the log and summary metrics by the target TEACH Key Action. Additionally, this view also provides more granular data by identifying instructional scores by specific areas of the indicators in each TEACH Key Action which dynamically populates as the user makes different selections with the updated scoring by indicator.
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