Aviary Features

Add Transcripts and Indexes to a Resource

Last edited 14 days ago by Jesse Moore

Add Indexes and Transcripts on the Resource Detail Page

To add Indexes or Transcripts to a Resource, go to the Resource Detail page, click on the appropriate tab on the right sidebar and then click the three stacked dots. You'll see options there, including "Upload another transcript" and "Request new transcript." This page discuss what happens when you select "Upload another transcript." If you select "Request new transcript" this gives you options to send video and audio content to an automated transcription service.
When no transcripts or indexes are available for a resource, the tabs are not visible to public users. Only organization users and administrators can see them in this case.
Note: Aviary accepts , for Indexes and Transcripts, and additionally plain text files, and .doc and .docx files can be used for Transcripts.
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On the next screen:
Select your file for upload
Enter a Title to distinguish the Index or Transcript
Add a short description (optional) if you want to communicate anything to users about the context of this Index or Transcript
Select a language
Indicate whether the Index or Transcript should be made public
If you are uploading a Transcript using a WebVTT file, you will see two additional options:
Is Caption?: when enabled it uses the file for closed caption (CC option in the player)
Ignore Title: when enabled it ignores the text on the line above the timecode on a WebVTT cue, referred to as the segment title or name attribute from your WebVTT if present (see for more details)
Click on "Upload Transcript/Index". The transcript or index is now loaded in the tab.

Add Indexes and Transcripts as Bulk Imports

How to Format Indexes for Import

OHMS XML Formatting of Indexes
Indexes can be imported into Aviary formatted as OHMS XML. When imported as an index, the resource level descriptive metadata elements will be ignored an only the segment-level descriptive metadata that corresponds to timecode will be imported as an index. For more information about OHMS and OHMS XML, see: . See the OHMS XML xsd schema here:
WebVTT Formatting of Indexes
Indexes can be imported into Aviary formatted as WebVTT the Web Video Text Tracks format (). A WebVTT files is a container file for chunks of data that are time-aligned with an audiovisual resource. The WebVTT file starts with a header and then contains a series of data blocks. Each data block that has a start and/or end time is called WebVTT cue (or segment).
Simple WebVTT Indexes
WebVTT indexes can be very simple. At a minimum, Aviary requires that a WebVTT index contain a header and at least one cue/segment with:
segment title (this can be a number or a text title for the segment)
timecode (this must be in the format HH:MM:SS.### or 00:00:00.100 --> 00:00:07.342)
segment synopsis (simple text)
Hierarchical WebVTT Indexes
WebVTT indexes can describe hierarchy or structure to the segments. In the WebVTT documentation, this feature is described as . To express a parent-child hierarchical arrangement of Aviary index segments, use nested cues where the timecode of the parent fully contains the timecode of each of the children. Thus, if child segment #1 is 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:44.000, and child segment #2 is 00:00:44.000 --> 00:01:19.000, then the parent of #1 and #2 should be listed before them with a timecode that fully contains both of the timecodes of the children, like 00:00:00.000 → 00:01:24.000 ​

Add Indexes and Transcripts using the API

Indexes and transcripts and be added to Aviary using the Aviary API. For specific documentation on the API, see:

How to Format Transcripts for Import

OHMS XML Formatting for Transcripts
Transcripts can be imported into Aviary formatted as OHMS XML. When imported as a transcript, the resource level descriptive metadata elements will be ignored an only the transcript data will be imported as an transcript. For more information about OHMS and OHMS XML, see: . See the OHMS XML xsd schema here:

WebVTT Formatting for Transcripts
Transcripts can be imported into Aviary formatted as WebVTT the Web Video Text Tracks format (). A WebVTT files is a container file for chunks of data that are time-aligned with an audiovisual resource. The WebVTT file starts with a header and then contains a series of data blocks. Each data block that has a start and/or end time is called WebVTT cue (or segment). Aviary requires that a WebVTT index contain a header and at least one cue/segment with:
segment title (this can be a number or a text title for the segment)
timecode (this must be in the format HH:MM:SS.### or 00:00:00.100 --> 00:00:07.342)
segment synopsis (simple text)

Plain Text Files Formatting of Transcripts
Aviary accepts plain text files as Transcripts. The text files must comply with the following requirements:
Time stamps have to be formatted: [HH:MM:SS]
Time stamps can be placed anywhere in the text within the document.
If no valid time stamps are provided, the full text will be uploaded with a time stamp [00:00:00]
Aviary will identify Speaker names if they are in all caps followed by a colon, e.g., SUSAN:, or JEREMIAH:.
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* Note: Aviary can also accept an Aviary TEXT transcript export as a valid transcript import format.
.DOC and .DOCX Files Formatting Transcripts
Aviary accepts Microsoft Word files (.doc and .docx) as Transcripts. The files must comply with the following requirements:
.docx files that match our current txt transcript formatting rules can be imported.
.doc files that match our current txt transcript formatting rules can be imported.
additionally, when time codes do not have brackets, e.g., 00:00:00, Aviary will still import them correctly.
Time codes can be formatted in any of the following ways:
Time stamps can be placed anywhere in the text within the document.
If no valid time stamps are provided, the full text will be uploaded with a time stamp [00:00:00]
Aviary will identify Speaker names that are not all caps, e.g., Nouman: or Nouman T.: or N. Tayyab:
Aviary will ignore any headers or footers in the file.

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