What is the Theater of the Oppressed (TO)?

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Reflection: Instructor Rationale

Typically, I relay on students reading the text book. I am quickly learning that they do not do this. I am still trying to figure out why, but I have come to the conclusion that part of the issue is that students do not have the skills necessary to focus for the time it takes and with the level of engagement it takes to work through a text book. With short snips of reading and engagement on social media apps and the fact that as people we are encouraged to move through life faster than ever, students simply have not developed skills that allow them to focus on reading for very long ( and ).
Thus, I am try to get students out of the text book and sharing with them examples and more easily skimmable explanations of course ideas, in this case background on what we will do for their “final” and why. Additionally, I have included a worksheet for students to complete alongside the readings to keep them focused on the goal of this reading (to learn about and engage with the method of TO). Most of the other teaching required for this week has occurred in the past weeks of the semester.
Instead of supplying a review handout or summary of each text-book chapter, I encourage them to refer to the resources created by their peers on the day they “taught” class. This again, centralizes student resources, learning, and collaboration over the teacher.

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