I wanted to have all features I needed for budget planing at one place.
Why the schema?
A couple of “big tables” are perfect for this task. Each sub-tool has its own dataset and is filtered in many ways to show data that answer specific questions.
How does it solve the problem?
The tool allows tracking a lot of different things and seeing integrated reports in one-two clicks.
Database Layer
This tool has data storage that only stores it. A user interacts with data views on “working” pages. It helps eliminate accidental data deletion.
Interactions in the doc
All interaction is supposed to go through buttons, forms and controls.
Presentation Layer
I used big icons as navigation buttons.
The welcome page contains not only “navigation buttons”, but also links to pages. This is helpful if you want to open several pages in separate tabs in the browser.
Functional pages have no cover pages, only intro pages have.
Each page has subtitles: mobile or desktop friendly.
Mobile friendly pages have a very simple appearance and buttons to perform necessary actions. I tried to make them easy to use on the go, in case you need to add or check something quickly.
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