Marketing intern
100-199 points
Ability to begin Placing KANU on your resume
A Certificate of Proof displaying your new Marketing Intern status
$25 credit on KANU marketplace!
Marketing staff
200-299 points
Ability to update your Ambassador Status on your resume
A Certificate of Proof displaying your new Marketing Staff status
$50 (DoorDash, Uber, Lyft, Amazon, KANU)
Marketing associate
300-399 points
Ability to update your Ambassador Status on your resume
A Certificate of Proof displaying your new Marketing Associate status
$100 (DoorDash, Uber, Lyft, Amazon, KANU)
Marketing lead
400-499 points
Ability to update your Ambassador Status on your resume
A Certificate of Proof displaying your new Marketing Lead status
$200 (DoorDash, Uber, Lyft, Amazon, KANU)
The official marketplace lead for your campus (shown on campus marketplace)
Marketing manager
500+ points
Base semesterly salary
$1,000 more in rewards!