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Narrative Approach: WRD 2024 Lead Video


Chose preferred iteration of the script below; this will be taken forward to refine and build out the narrative.
PSA video typically run 30-60 seconds, and depend on a clear and concise message without much additional messages that will be detrimental to this piece. I would suggest we decide on 4-6 of the listed solutions to focus on, other wise we water down our own product.
CTA: WE need to decide on our takeaway message we’ll end the video on. This is our core message.
TBC EXAMPLE: “For every face out there that has forced to flee, there's a story that mirrors our own. Today, it’s them but tomorrow, perhaps it could be you. Solutions exist. We just need you to help make them happen.”
Script 1: "Parallel Lives"
The Hook
(NARATOR): "Every day, in every corner of the world, lives unfold. Some in comfort, others in crisis."
Quick cuts of a bustling city street, transitioning to a crowded refugee camp.
1: Employment
(NARATOR): "Seeking employment is universal. Whether it's scrolling through job listings or participating in a livelihood project, the goal is the same: a chance for a stable life."
Cut between a young professional scrolling through job listings on LinkedIn and a refugee participating in a livelihoods project.
Segment 2: Health and Hygiene
(NARATOR): "Access to basic health and hygiene is a fundamental need, from the aisles of our stores to the tents of aid distribution."
Scene transitions between a woman purchasing hygiene products and a refugee receiving a hygiene kit.
Segment 3: Safety
(NARATOR): "Safety, a concern whether flying through turbulence or seeking refuge across borders."
Juxtapose imagery of turbulence on a plane with a refugee family on an evacuation flight.
Segment 4: Education
(NARATOR): "Education empowers us all, driving dreams from classrooms to makeshift schools in refugee camps."
Switch from a student reacting to a bad grade to a refugee graduating.
Segment 5: Social Inclusion
(NARATOR): "Inclusion feels like a warm welcome, in our cafes and on our playing fields."
Scene of friends gathering in a coffee shop cuts to a refugee child being welcomed onto a football pitch.
Segment 6: Access
(NARATOR): "Access should not be exclusive. It's about opening doors, not just at glamorous events but also at border crossings."
Contrast a VIP event with refugees at a border crossing.
Segment 7: Basic Needs
(NARATOR): "Meeting basic needs connects us all, from filling an empty fridge to accessing aid through an ATM."
From an empty fridge to a refugee using an ATM for aid.
Segment 8: Returning Home
(NARATOR): "Home, the end of every journey. It's where we all long to be, safely and with dignity."
From a father returning from a trip to a refugee volunteer helping others return home.
(NARATOR): "Join us in transforming compassion into action. Together, we can find solutions for refugees."
Text on screen: "Solutions for refugees exist. The will to take action is what's needed now. #WithRefugees"
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Script 2: "Shared Journeys"
The Hook
(NARATOR): "Life's journey takes many forms. For some, it's routine; for others, it's a fight for survival."
Fast-paced montage of everyday activities and refugee life parallels.
1: Employment
(NARATOR): "Work: a universal pursuit that promises a future, whether in an office or a refugee camp."
Side-by-side of a job interview and a refugee training session.
Segment 2: Health and Hygiene
(NARATOR): "Healthcare is a right, not a privilege. It sustains us, in cities and in shelters."
Alternating shots of a family doctor visit and refugees receiving medical aid.
Segment 3: Safety
(NARATOR): "Safety is foundational, felt in the turn of a home lock or the securing of a shelter."
Contrast scenes of a secure home lock being turned and refugees securing a tent.
Segment 4: Education
(NARATOR): "Learning lights every path, whether through digital screens or paper books in refugee camps."
From a crowded lecture hall to an outdoor class in a refugee camp.
Segment 5: Social Inclusion
(NARATOR): "Community binds us, through shared moments at local events or new beginnings in foreign lands."
Cut from a community event to refugees integrating into a new community.
Segment 6: Access
(NARATOR): "True access opens worlds, from exclusive clubs to crucial legal aid at border crossings."
From an exclusive club entry to refugees receiving legal aid.
Segment 7: Basic Needs
(NARATOR): "Daily needs connect every human, from supermarket aisles to food lines in camps."
From shopping in a supermarket to distributing food in a refugee camp.
Segment 8: Returning Home
(NARATOR): "The journey home is the sweetest of all, filled with hope and the promise of peace."
From a joyful family reunion to refugees returning to rebuilt homes.
(NARATOR): "This World Refugee Day, let's embrace empathy and action. For every face of those forced to flee, there's a story that mirrors our own. Today, it’s them but tomorrow, perhaps it could be you. Solutions for refugees exist. We simply need the will to make them happen."
Text on screen: Every action counts. Let's build bridges, not barriers. Support refugee solutions today."
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Script 3: "Echoes of Life"
The Hook
(NARATOR): "Every action, every moment echoes around the world. From our streets to distant camps, we share the human experience."
Dynamic split-screen showing daily life and refugee life.
1: Employment
(NARATOR): "Innovation and industry thrive on opportunity, in bustling startups and bustling camps alike."
Flip between a tech startup scene and refugees in a vocational training workshop.
Segment 2: Health and Hygiene
(NARATOR): "Well-being is universal, sought in the aisles of our pharmacies and the tents of field hospitals."
Scene shifts from a pharmacy to a medical tent in a refugee camp.
Segment 3: Safety
(NARATOR): "Security, a communal effort, whether guarding our neighborhoods or our makeshift homes."
From a neighborhood watch meeting to a security briefing in a refugee camp.
Segment 4: Education
(NARATOR): "Education breaks barriers, opening minds in virtual classrooms and under canvas roofs."
Transition from a digital classroom to a refugee teaching others.
Segment 5: Social Inclusion
(NARATOR): "Festivities remind us that joy is inclusive, shared at parades and in refugee celebrations."
From a festive parade to refugees celebrating cultural events.
Segment 6: Access
(NARATOR): "Culture enriches, accessible to all, from art galleries to integration programs."
From an art gallery opening to cultural integration programs for refugees.
Segment 7: Basic Needs
(NARATOR): "Nourishment binds us, shared around family tables and communal fires."
From a family meal to communal cooking in a refugee settlement.
Segment 8: Returning Home
(NARATOR): "Homecoming is universal, marked by the relief of unpacking or the joy of rebuilding."
From a traveler unpacking to refugees rebuilding their community.
(NARATOR): "Let's unite for refugees. Together, we can turn empathy into action. Join us."
Text on screen: "This World Refugee Day, let's embrace empathy and action. For every face of those forced to flee, there's a story that mirrors our own. Today, it’s them but tomorrow, perhaps it could be you. Solutions for refugees exist. We simply need the will to make them happen."
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