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Flagrant at RailsConf May 2022

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Build awareness about Flagrant by...

Connecting with people

Spread Good Flagrant Fun

Put up our GPK & Flagrant stickers!
Create a Flagrant Reset Space
Share about RUBYCARES
Share about Flagrant Reset

📸 Photo needs DURING RailsConf:

Photo of a Sharpie and sticky notes
Photos of Shawntia in action - shout out post after RailsConf
Photos of in-progress activities. (Depending on what we do.)
Photos of our team (WITH CONSENT!) + location (IN THE CONFERENCE) - meet us here!
Share out on IG stories & reels - save videos!

Getting more info on Ruby Central’s scholars & guides & sponsorship needs

room for us to integrate/support?

Recruiting new hires

Senior Dev, Jr Dev, Design

Connecting with potential clients

Share about our Flagrant Community

Design stand up
Dev round table
Flagrant talks/workshops/events
Culture of experimentation
Flagrant Recharge/Reset
Improve games

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