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Hey there!
Welcome to my networking tracker. As a freshman who went through online schooling, I found it super difficult to make meaningful professional connections with my upperclassmen and attend networking events all the way from the Philippines.
I made this CRM to help college students (AND any other professionals) cultivate and manage a strong professional network. After all, it IS quality over quantity.
Before we start, input your email in this table so you can receive email reminders to reconnect with your connections every 90 days:
Email address
Your email
There are no rows in this table

How to use this networking tracker (READ CAREFULLY)

Sync your gmail account to this Coda doc by .
Set goals under ! Make them SMART.
Open up . Whenever you make a new connection, click the button “add contact” and input their name under “Contact List”.
Try to add their LinkedIn URL by inputting the URL into the URL column and then clicking on the LinkedIn button. Otherwise, just put their full name and you can click the button and try to search for them on LinkedIn.
Whenever you have a conversation with someone, click the “add conversation” button and put their name in.
Take whenever you get helpful advice!
When it’s time to follow up with them, you’ll receive an email. When you do, just click the “follow-up email” button to send them an email for another chat.
Check out to see a visualization of your current progress!
If you need help on getting started with networking, check out !

About me: Hey! I’m Joachim Rillo and I’m a Laidlaw Scholar at Columbia University double majoring in Economics and Mathematics-Statistics. I’m a Growth Fellow at Coda, and, in the past, have interned at a ~$150M VC Fund, the Asian Development Bank, and Gen-Z Consulting startups. If you have any questions about this doc, reach out at :)

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