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Weekend Programming

At Sandals Church, we are blessed to have the people and resources to create our own original content for kids. Everything a kid experiences during a weekend service ー the worship songs, the videos, the design and print deliverables ー are hand-made by our team. We call this content "Get Real". Check out the Weekend Experience Guide below to hear the heart behind our content and see the vision for how each of the elements will be utilized to help kids discover our vision of being real.

Assets & Deliverables

Early Childhood Assets

Series Preview
Series Supply List
Song Schedule
Memory Verse Motions Sheet

Storybook Slides
Memory Verse Slide
Worship Songs
Walk-in Music

2-3 Year Olds Coloring Page
2-3 Year Olds Leader Guide
3-5 Year Olds Activity Sheet
3-5 Year Olds Leader Guide

Elementary Assets

Series Preview
Series Supply List
Song Schedule
Memory Verse Motions Sheet

Large Group Guide (per Series)
Large Group Guide (per Week)
Large Group Drawing Guide
Pre-Show Video
Game Slide
Worship Songs
Story Videos
Memory Verse Slide
Walk-in Music

Lower Elementary Leader Guide
Lower Elementary Activity Sheet
Lower Elementary Storybook
Middle Elementary Leader Guide
Upper Elementary Leader Guide
Middle/Upper Elementary Get Real Guide

Print Deliverables

2-3 Year Olds Coloring Page
3-5 Year Olds Activity Sheet
Large Group Drawing Guide
Lower Elementary Activity Sheet
Middle/Upper Elementary Get Real Guide

Series Previews
Series Supply Lists
Song Schedules
Memory Verse Motions Sheets
Large Group Guides
2-3 Year Olds Leader Guides
3-5 Year Olds Leader Guides
Lower Elementary Leader Guides
Middle Elementary Leader Guides
Upper Elementary Leader Guides

How To Order Print Deliverables

Determine which assets you need. Depending on how you structure your environments, you may not need all of the available printouts. For example, you may combine Elementary based on size and choose to use the Get Real Guide for all grades rather than having two different handouts (Activity Sheet for Lower and Get Real Guides for Middle/Upper).
Determine how many you need. Try to project how many copies you’ll need for each asset. (You can use the percentages below as a reference.) As a general rule, add 20% to the number of kids you think will show up. For example, if you’re expecting 100 kids then we would encourage you to order 120 just to be safe. You can always adjust your quantities for the next series once you get an idea what a typical weekend looks like.
On average, 28% of your kids ministry attendance will come from Early Childhood environments (2 to 5 years old).
On average, 60% of your kids ministry attendance will come from Elementary environments (Kindergarten to 6th Grade).
Tell Joell what you need. Once you’ve identified what you need, reach out to Joell at to share your order info. We usually place one order for an entire series, which you will receive all at once. Joell will continue ordering the same assets/quantities until you tell her to change them.

Once the printouts arrive, we will package them for each campus and place them in the Hunter Park drop zone, which is located in the mail room downstairs by the printer. There is a shelf for each campus where you can grab all of the things you need for your campus.


Weekend Prep

One of the best practices we can do during the week is to prepare the Sandals Church Kids environment ahead of time so when the volunteers arrive, they have everything they need. It makes for a good volunteer experience if they do not have to go looking for what they need. The good news is the weekend prep could be done by the Kids Lead OR by a team of volunteers who have clear direction.
Here’s a list of things that need to be done to prepare for the weekend:
Prepare clipboards in each room with check-in sheets.
Re-fill snack containers in every room.
Re-stock each room with extra snack and cups (as room storage allows).
Re-stock each room with cleaning supplies (disinfectant wipes and spray).
Distribute all curriculum content and materials for Twos through Sixth Grade.
Check supply of diaper change labels, this belongs to labels, diaper bag labels and diaper bag tags in each room that uses them.
Check diaper supplies in each room. Re-stock diapers and diaper wipes as needed.
Re-stock Volunteer room supplies (water, coffee, snacks, etc).
Make sure rooms are clean and organized. Remove any leftover materials from the week before.

How To Customize Content

Each campus is unique. Your campus size is different. Your space is different. Your people are different. That’s why we have created our curriculum content in customizable pieces, which will allow you to make any adjustments that you need so that your campus has an excellent weekend experience. Here are some common ways people adjust the content:
Consolidate the content. We always shoot to give you more content than you actually need. That way you have options to choose from! The most common way people customize our content is by removing the extra activities that they know their Small Group Leaders won’t have time for.
Choose your own games. We like to start our Elementary services with fun pre-show games. Because the Large Group environment is different from campus to campus, we have options for you to pick from so that you can do games you know will work for your environment!
Replace the activity supplies. Let’s say there’s an activity that suggests you write prayer requests on index cards. You could easily customize the guide to use something other than index cards to write on, such as post-it notes, small pieces of paper or whatever you have on hand at your campus.
Add campus announcements. If there’s a special event at your campus, you can add a note in your Leader Guides so that your team members can give it a shoutout during service.
Add a pro tip. If you want to go above and beyond, share some advice with your leaders on how to make the most of their activities. For example, if one of the activities is an active game where kids will be moving around, try adding a pro tip about how to set clear guidelines so kids stay safe or a classroom management trick that will calm the kids down afterwards.

Here are the assets that are customizable:
Small Group Guides: to find out how!
Large Group Guides: to find out how!
Pre-Show Games: to find out how! (Or watch a step-by-step demo by .)

Accessing Each Week's Content

Our volunteers can access our content at any time by going to This is a Google Drive folder that contains all of the leader guides, handouts and media elements. Make sure you share this link with volunteers when they join your team and include it in your weekly volunteer emails.
We have a staff-only folder in Dropbox that contains the curriculum as well as other shareable assets like social media graphics, email headers and more! The password is sandalskids.

Using Roku To Present Media

Our tech team has designed a custom Roku app called Sandals Church Power Presenter to present all of our Large Group media in Sandals Kids. The app creates a simple, scalable and cost-effective solution for Sandals Kids production.
Here’s a quick overview of how the process works:
You’ll download a ready-to-use folder containing each week's content from
You'll load a USB Drive with each weekend’s content.
You’ll plug the USB Drive into the Roku and open the Power Presenter app.
You’ll select the playlist you want to use and get started!
At the end of the weekend, delete the files on your USB Drive so you’re ready to add the content for next weekend.

Is the Roku app hard to use?

Not at all. In fact, that’s a big reason why we built it. All of the content on your USB Drive should be added in the exact order that you’ll use it for services, so all you have to do is click a button to go to the next thing!
You can read more about the remote controls in the . We would even encourage you to print it out and make it available for whoever will be running Large Group so they can get familiar with the controls.

Whose responsibility is it to load the USB Drives?

It will be your responsibility, as the Kids Lead at your campus, to load each of the USB Drives that you need each week.

Does it matter what kind of USB Drive I use?

Yes. Some types of USB Drives don’t work well with the Power Presenter app. Just to be safe, stick to using the USB Drive that was provided for you.

Where can I get another USB Drive?

You can always purchase additional USB Drives

Where can I find the content that I need to add to my USB Drive?

The easiest way to access the content is by using one of the Production computers at your campus. These computers automatically sync from what is in Dropbox. Follow the steps below to locate and download the correct files.
Open the Finder app and click on the Dropbox folder in the sidebar on the left.
Look for the folder called _THISWEEK_SK_.
Then open the folder called _THIS WEEK ROKU.
Click on the zipped file and press Command + C to copy it.
Then go back to your desktop and press Command + V to paste it to your desktop.
Double-click on the zipped file to unzip it.
Once the file is unzipped, copy/paste the entire folder to your USB Drive.

*You will need to delete the previous week’s files before you add this week’s files.
You can also access the content on your own computer by going to This link will take you to the same folder, _THIS WEEK ROKU. Once you download the zipped file, follow steps 6 and 7 from the instructions above.

What if I want to customize the content?

It’s important to know that how you arrange and name folders/files on your USB Drive will make or break the app. We have put together a sample to help you understand how it works. Here are a few things you’ll want to know before you begin customizing what’s on your USB Drive:
The “master folder” on your USB Drive must be called Roku Content. This is how the Power Presenter app knows what to present. If you miss this step, none of your content will be shown on the app.
The folders within Roku Content will be your “playlists”. When you open the Power Presenter app and you see a list to choose from (e.g. Early Childhood, Elementary, etc.), it will be these folders that are displayed. You can name each playlist whatever you want. This is the one place where the name does not affect how the app works. You can have as many playlists as you want.
The order of files matters. You’ll notice in the example that each file name starts with a number. This is how the Power Presenter app knows what order to play each slide/video. You can rearrange the order of the slides/videos or even add your own slides/videos as long as everything is numbered correctly.
“Chapters” are optional. Think of chapters like scenes on a DVD. The only reason you might want a chapter is if you want to be able to skip to the next one, just like you would if you want to skip to the next scene on a DVD. If you do want to use chapters, make you start the folder name with “CH_01_” or “CH_02_” or so on, and then the name that you want (e.g. CH_04_Worship). This will let the Power Presenter app know which order you want the chapters to be presented. You can have as many chapters as you want.
You can add your own background music. If you want to add some background music, you must use a “.wav” file type and name it “bg.wav”. If you use any other file type or forget to name it correctly, the app will not be able to use it as background music. Also, make sure that you add the file to the “playlist” folder (not the Roku Content folder or a “chapter” folder).

My USB Drive is ready. Now what?

Plug the USB Drive into the Roku and open the Power Presenter app. Select the playlist you want to run (e.g. Early Childhood or Elementary) and the content will begin playing.

Who do I go to if I’m having an issue with the Roku app?

The Production Lead at your campus has been trained on how the app works and how to troubleshoot it if something goes wrong.
Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.