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Network Ministry Calendar

Throughout the year there are a few staples in our calendar. These are events and programs that we build everything else around.

Promotion Day

Promotion Day is a yearly event that involves children/students moving up a grade. It is typically the first weekend in June.
It also involves a few key “milestone” promotions as well; such as preschoolers moving into Kindergarten, 6th graders moving into Middle School, and 8th graders moving into High School. With these key milestone promotions, there are a few things to prepare for.

Promoting Kids to Kindergarten

It is very important to know which preschoolers will be moving into Kindergarten. Typically it is any child that has their 5th birthday prior to September 1st. This may depend on your school district’s age cut off for Kinder. If you have a child who does not meet the age cut off and will be in PreK for the upcoming school year, they will stay in the Early Childhood ministry.
One way to find out which kids are promoting to Kinder is to send out a quick survey to parents of Five Year olds/Older Fours in the Spring. Typically two months before promotion weekend to give you time to follow up with parents as needed. The survey can be a quick email to parents asking them to reply or creating a form in CCB for them to fill out.
It’s also a great idea the week before Promotion Weekend to have an event for the upcoming Kindergartners and their parents to introduce them to the Elementary ministry.

Promoting 5th/6th Grade to Youth

It is important to work with your Youth Lead at your campus to have them partner with you for Sixth Grade promotion. In the weeks prior to Promotion weekend, invite your Youth Lead and some of their volunteers to come visit the Sixth Graders to talk with them about Sandals Church Youth.
It’s also fun to do a SIxth Grade Send Off during service the weekend before Promotion Weekend. You can bring them all up front or on stage to pray over them and celebrate them promoting UP!

Promoting Grade Levels in CCB

There is some administrative work that needs to be done in CCB to prepare for Promotion Weekend. Each child/student will need to be moved up a grade in CCB so their check in sticker indicates the correct grade. Thankfully CCB provides an easy way to do this in their system called “Group Promotion”. The first step is to make sure you have CCB access to do this. Once you do, you will need to familiarize yourself with how to run a Group Promotion.
CCB provides great training articles on how to run a Group Promotion. Please read
. There is also a training video in their library of training workshops that you can access
. Scroll down to find the video on Group Promotion. If you still need help, ask one of your friendly Kids Lead to help you!


The baptism responsibilities for Sandals Church Kids staff may vary from campus to campus. Below is a general description.
The main thing is being available to have conversations with kids who want to be baptized. This doesn’t always have to be you. This is something you can train volunteers to do, but it will be your responsibility to schedule them and make sure they are present.
We have created a resource to help you train others how to have a conversation like this with kids. to view the training document.
Here’s a general timeline for volunteers who are helping with baptisms:
They will report to the baptism check-in area 15 minutes before each service ends.
They will typically serve for about 30 minutes after each service ends.

You may be asked to be in the pool baptizing kids. That’s usually up to your Campus Pastor, so you can check with them on that.
The week after each baptism, there are some things you will do to follow up with kids who were baptized.
Record the date of each child’s baptism in CCB. for instructions.
Write a handwritten postcard to each child who was baptized.
Once you’ve completed those tasks, mark each child’s Process Queue as complete.

Family Dedication

More than anything else, Family Dedication is a chance for parents to commit to raising their kids in a Godly way. It will take place during weekend services in between the worship set and the message.
Invite parents to sign up for the upcoming Family Dedication.
Host an Info Meeting at your campus.
Host a Family Dedication during services on a specific weekend.

This meeting can take place at any time. If space is available, the ideal time may be during a weekend service.
We have provided step by step in the Admin Kit. This meeting can be facilitated by you or another leader at your campus. You can use the as the teaching outline. This is our chance to clearly explain what Family Dedication is and what it isn’t. You have the option of giving parents a chance to write their very own Family Mission Statement. At the end, invite each family to sign up for the service time that works best for them and explain what the day of will look like. Invite them to come to the front of the stage in the Auditorium 15 minutes before their scheduled service so they can hear what to expect and reserve their seats.
Here are a few things you’ll want to nail down before Family Dedication weekend:
Confirm which families will be coming and to which service time.
Confirm how many seats to save at each service.
Create a certificate for each child being dedicated.
Prepare a small gift for each family (ideas are provided at the bottom of this document).
Set up a photo op area somewhere in the lobby.

We will reserve seating in the front for the families dedicating their child that day. After the worship set, the Campus Pastor will come on stage and make the transition to Family Dedications. While they give a brief description of what it is and why we do it, families will make their way to the stage. The Campus Pastor will then pray over the families. At the end, we will play the series bumper to give families time to exit the stage before the sermon begins.
We will create a photo op area somewhere in the lobby for families to take pictures together. This is where we will give them a certificate and a small gift.
Gift Ideas
Print their Family Mission Statement and frame it.


Camp is one of the most exciting opportunities we have to minister to kids. One of our leaders described it as “a year’s worth of ministry in one week”. Check out the info below to get an idea how we run Camp.
WHO: 2nd-6th Grade kids (Middle School and High School also attend Camp)
WHEN: 1 week in mid-July
WHERE: Forest Home Christian Camps (Forest Falls, CA)
We will all meet at one location and bus kids/counselors to Forest Home.
For remote locations, we create special arrangements as needed to get kids to Forest Home.

Opens in early in the year, usually January or February.
Price is usually $500/kid.
Payment plans and scholarships are available.

You can reach our Camp team at if you want to learn more. If parents or counselors ask you for information, direct them to this email address.

Your Responsibilities for Camp

The Network team does most of the heavy lifting for Camp, including the planning, promotion, registration, etc. We want your primary focus to be on your kids, parents and counselors. Here are some of the things you will be responsible for as it relates to Camp:
Help promote Camp by plugging it in your communication channels.
Get kids to sign up for Camp!
Recruit counselors from your campus.
Get your counselors to show up for a counselor information meeting hosted by Network.
Host a parent information meeting at your campus. (Network will provide a full outline for you.)
Assist the Network team with setting up, tearing down and facilitating departure/arrival.
Be responsible for your kids and counselors while at Camp.

Family Ministry Training

Once a year, we will invite Kids and Youth volunteers from all campuses to join us for a Family Ministry Training. The event will be hosted by our Network team. Your primary responsibility will be to invite your team members and get them to show up! You may be asked to help set up and tear down on the day of the event.
WHY: This is a chance for us to connect and celebrate together. It will give us an opportunity to cast vision for the upcoming ministry season and provide practical training for our team members.
WHO: All Kids and Youth Volunteers
WHEN: A Wednesday night in mid-August
WHERE: Hunter Park campus
*We ask that you plan your ministry calendar around this event. We don’t want to have so many gatherings happening within the span of a few weeks that they end up competing with each other. If you want to host a volunteer gathering around this time, we ask that you set a date in September or October rather than August.


Without feedback, it’s impossible to know how we’re doing and where we can improve. That’s why we survey each of our target audiences on a regular basis.


For kids, we only collect surveys from Elementary-aged kids. During the pre-show portion of Large Group, we will prompt the kids to fill out a short survey. We will give each kid a piece of paper with 8 questions on it. Underneath each question will be 3 emojis for them to choose from. We’ll ask them to circle the emoji that best describes their answer. (Check out what the kids survey looks like by .) The Host will guide kids from one question to the next using slides that are provided. Each slide shows which emojis the kids can pick from.


Once per semester, the Network team will send out an email to all of the volunteers in our ministry with a link to an online survey. Because each age group is so different, we have three sets of surveys:
One for Nursery team members who serve with children 0-24 months old.
One for Early Childhood team members who serve with children 2 to 5 years old.
One for Elementary team members who serve with children from Kindergarten to 6th Grade.


Once per semester, the Network team will send out an email to all of the parents in our ministry with a link to an online survey.


Once a month, the Network team will send out an email to all of the staff members in our ministry with a link to an online survey.
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