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Faith Decisions

Sharing the Gospel with kids is easily the most exciting part of what we do! Check out the content below to find out how we create those opportunities for kids and what the back-end processes look like.

Sharing the Gospel

If a kid in the middle of a crowd raises their hand to start a relationship with Jesus but we don't know who they are, that’s a huge miss on our part. Does that minimize the step of faith they just took? Of course not. But it’s definitely a failure on our part. So let’s take a look at how we can make sure that no kid falls through the cracks. If there’s a call to faith during a Large Group environment…
Warn your small group leaders ahead of time so they can be prepared.
Instruct your small group leaders to keep their eyes open to see if any of the kids in their group make a decision to follow Jesus.
Invite kids to make a visible response during the prayer like raising their hand or standing up.
Once they break into small groups, your leaders can follow up with each of those kids individually.

Leading Kids to Christ

If a kid is ready to follow Jesus, guide them through a salvation prayer by going through the ABC’s!
“A” - ADMIT you have sinned and ask God for forgiveness.
“B” - BELIEVE that God has sent His son, Jesus, to die for your sins.
“C” - CHOOSE to follow Jesus and make Him the leader of your life.
With all of the excitement, it can be easy to forget to fill out a Yes Card. Make sure you fill it out and give it to your team leader so we can follow up with the child.
Be sure to share the great news with mom and dad!

Yes Cards

When a kid chooses to follow Jesus, we want to write it down so that we can follow up with them. That's why we created something called a Yes Card (see the example below). You can print out as many as you need!
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Make sure you print plenty of Yes Cards for volunteers to fill out when a kid makes a big faith decision. We recommend that you have a handful of Yes Cards in each small group’s supply bin each and every weekend. Even if they don’t use it, it will serve as a visible reminder that sharing the Gospel is a huge part of what we do.

Baptism Responsibilities

In a later training, we will go into detail about what your responsibilities are for baptisms. For now, just know that your primary responsibility is to make sure that kids are prepared to be baptized. Baptism is a big deal and we want to make sure that kids understand what they are about to do.
In the weeks leading up to baptism, we will promote it on our communication channels. The most effective way to share it with your kids will be during Large Group in Elementary. You can encourage your Host to give it a shoutout during Pre-Show. While we don’t have any age restrictions on baptism, we typically direct our communication toward Elementary kids.
The reason it’s so important to promote baptism early is to give yourself time to meet with kids and parents to make sure they are ready for baptism. Any child who wants to be baptized must have a conversation beforehand with a staff member (or someone that you have trained). This conversation works best with their parents present. We recommend finding a time before or after weekend services to meet with each family, since that might be the most realistic opportunity for families to meet in person.
We have created a that includes four questions you can ask to help you determine if a child is ready to be baptized. The guide even describes what kind of answers to look out for.
If the child is ready to be baptized, then you can end your conversation by giving parents an idea what to expect on the day of baptism, such as when to arrive, where to be, what to wear, etc. We will cover baptism in greater detail in a later training so that you will be able to answer any questions for families.

Recording Faith Decisions in CCB

STEP ONE: Once you’ve found the person’s profile in CCB, click the EDIT button on the right side of the page. (If the EDIT button is not visible, check with our Technology team to make sure you have the appropriate privileges in CCB.)
STEP TWO: Click on the ADMIN tab at the top and find the appropriate field.
If you’re recording data for starting a new relationship with God, look for the Made a Commitment to Faith field and enter the date that they made this decision. Then click Save.
If you’re recording data for baptism, look for the Date of Baptism field and enter the date that they were baptized. Then click Save.

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