Project Lab Report / Phase 1

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EdTech Skills

My primary focus at the start of the year was equipping learners with the ability and confidence to execute a range of tasks using technology. Most of our learners have not had adequate interactions with laptops to be digitally literate.
This is the Master EdTech Skills List for 2023. This had been summarised using both the list of what learners expressed interest in (see list here) and Nadia Nel’s outline for EdTech in schools.

Microsoft Word

Basic navigation and layout
Text formatting (e.g. font size and style, bold, italics)
Paragraph formatting (e.g. alignment, line spacing)
Spell check and grammar check
Creating and editing tables
Inserting and editing images and other media
Creating and managing page layouts (e.g. margins, page breaks)
Using templates and styles
Creating and editing charts and graphs
Collaboration and reviewing tools (e.g. Track Changes, commenting)
Advanced features such as mail merge, custom macros and add-ins.
Document protection and security
Creating and editing forms and surveys.
Creating and editing equations, mathematical formula and scientific notation.
Using and customizing keyboard shortcuts.


Basic navigation and layout
Creating and editing slides
Text formatting (e.g. font size and style, bold, italics)
Adding and formatting images and other media
Adding and formatting shapes and diagrams
Creating and editing charts and graphs
Transitions and animations
Adding and editing audio and video
Creating and editing slide masters and templates
Creating and editing custom animations and triggers
Collaboration and reviewing tools (e.g. Track Changes, commenting)
Creating and editing speaker notes and handouts
Creating and editing hyperlinks and action buttons
Using and customizing slide layouts and backgrounds
Creating interactive and non-linear presentations using hyperlink, action button, and triggers
Using and customizing keyboard shortcuts.
Creating and editing forms and surveys
Creating and editing equations, mathematical formula and scientific notation.
Using and creating custom themes and templates
Creating and editing macro-enabled presentations
Using and customizing the developer tab for creating forms, and customizing macros.
Creating and editing 3D models and animations.
Adding and editing data visualizations and infographics
Using and customizing the Design tab for adding and editing slide elements.
Creating and editing presentations with multiple languages.

Canva: Graphic Poster

Sign in to Canva Pro
Create a new design and select the poster template
Add a background color or image
Add a title and subtitle using the text tool
Add images and other media elements using the uploads or the element tab
Adjust the size, position and rotation of the elements
Add shapes and diagrams using the element tab
Adjust the color, transparency and border of the elements
Add icons and stickers from the element tab
Add custom graphics and illustrations using the uploads tab
Add custom frames and borders using the element tab
Add custom typography using the text tab
Adjust the alignment and spacing of the elements
Preview and download the poster in the desired format
Save the design for future editing.

Video Editing

Choose a video editing platform that is easy to use and has a user-friendly interface. iMovie (for Mac) and Windows Movie Maker (for Windows) are good options for beginners.
Import the video footage or media files into the software
Learn and use the basic tools such as trimming, splitting, and merging video clips
Add transitions and effects between video clips
Add background music or voiceover using the audio editing tools
Add text, captions and title to the video
Learn how to export and save the final video
Adjust the video aspect ratio and resolution
Learn how to use the undo and redo buttons
Preview the video to check for errors and make adjustments
Learn how to share the video on social media or upload it to video sharing platforms like YouTube.
Learner Curious Questions:
Define the purpose of the video: What message do you want to convey through the video?
Choose a video editing software: Choose a software that is easy to use and has a user-friendly interface, such as iMovie or Windows Movie Maker.
Gather the footage or media files: Collect the footage or media files that you want to use in the video.
Learn to use the basic tools: Learn how to trim, split, and merge video clips using the software.
Add transitions and effects: Add visual effects to make the video more interesting.
Add background music or voiceover: Use audio editing tools to add background music or voiceover to the video.
Add text, captions, and title: Use the text editing tools to add captions, title, and credits to the video.
Export and save the final video: Learn how to export the final video in the desired format and save it.
Adjust the video aspect ratio and resolution: Use the settings to adjust the video's aspect ratio and resolution.
Preview the video: Watch the video to check for errors and make adjustments.
Share the video: Learn how to share the video on social media or upload it to video sharing platforms like YouTube.

Content Creation

Think about what you want to say: What message do you want to share with your friends and followers?
Choose the right platform: Which website or app do you think your friends and followers use the most?
Make it look good: Use pictures or videos that are fun and interesting to look at.
Write a catchy caption: Use words that will make people want to read your post and maybe even share it with their friends.
Use hashtags: These are words or phrases that start with the # sign, and they make it easier for people to find your post.
Plan when to post: Think about when your friends and followers are most likely to be online.
Check how it's doing: See how many people liked, commented or shared your post.
Talk to your followers: Answer their questions and comments to make them feel heard.
Boost your post: This means you can pay a little bit of money to make sure more people see your post.
Use location tagging: If your post is about a specific place or event, add the location to make it easier to find.
Follow the rules: Make sure your post follows the rules of the website or app.
Translate the post: If your friends and followers speak different languages, translate the post so everyone can understand.
Use polls, questions, and quizzes: These are fun ways to get people to interact with your post.
Use Instagram stories and IGTV: These are special features on Instagram that let you post videos or pictures that disappear after a day.
Schedule your post: You can plan your post ahead of time so you don't have to remember to post it later.
Measure the performance: See how many people liked, commented, or shared your post.
Curious Questions for learners
Define the purpose of the video: What message do you want to convey through the video?
Choose a video editing software: Choose a software that is easy to use and has a user-friendly interface, such as iMovie or Windows Movie Maker.
Gather the footage or media files: Collect the footage or media files that you want to use in the video.
Learn to use the basic tools: Learn how to trim, split, and merge video clips using the software.
Add transitions and effects: Add visual effects to make the video more interesting.
Add background music or voiceover: Use audio editing tools to add background music or voiceover to the video.
Add text, captions, and title: Use the text editing tools to add captions, title, and credits to the video.
Export and save the final video: Learn how to export the final video in the desired format and save it.
Adjust the video aspect ratio and resolution: Use the settings to adjust the video's aspect ratio and resolution.
Preview the video: Watch the video to check for errors and make adjustments.
Share the video: Learn how to share the video on social media or upload it to video sharing platforms like YouTube.


I can navigate a music making apps interface.
I can understand musical elements such as melody, harmony and rhythm.
I can add and edit tracks in GarageBand.
I can use virtual instruments and loops in GarageBand.
I can record audio and edit audio tracks in GarageBand.
I can use the built-in effects and processors in GarageBand.
I can use the mixer in GarageBand to adjust volume, panning, and EQ.
I can use the built-in drum machine designer and smart drums in GarageBand.
I can use the built-in piano roll editor to create and edit MIDI sequences in GarageBand.
I can use the built-in notation editor to create and edit sheet music in GarageBand.

Beginner’s Code

Basic Skills
Dragging and dropping blocks to create a script
Using the "when flag clicked" block to start a program
Using movement blocks such as "move 10 steps" to control a sprite
Using control blocks such as "repeat 10 times" or "if then"
Using the "say" or "think" blocks to add dialogue or thoughts for a sprite
Using the "wait" block to pause the script
Using the "forever" block to create a loop
Using the "stop" block to end a script or a loop
Using the "Change [variable] by [value]" block to change the value of a variable
Using the "Broadcast [message]" block to trigger other scripts in the project.
Simple Animation: Create a simple animation using movement blocks and the "forever" loop to make a sprite move across the stage.
Interactive Story: Create a story where the user can make choices that affect the outcome using the "if then" control block.
Maze Game: Create a maze game where the user controls a sprite to reach the end while avoiding obstacles. Use the "if then" block to check for collision and the "wait" block for time delay.
Rock, Paper, Scissors: Create a simple game of rock, paper, scissors where the user can select their choice and the program will randomly choose for the computer and determine a winner.
Music Player: Create a music player that allows the user to play different songs and adjust the volume using the "play sound" and "change volume" blocks.
Memory Match: Create a memory match game where the user has to match pairs of cards. Use variables to keep track of the number of matches and the game over condition.
Drag and Drop Puzzle: Create a simple puzzle where the user has to drag and drop pieces to complete the image. Use the "when [sprite] clicked" block to make the pieces responsive to mouse clicks.
Drawing Program: Create a program that allows the user to draw on the screen using the "pen" blocks. Allow the user to change the pen color and size.
Picture slideshow: Create a slideshow that displays different pictures and allows the user to move to the next or previous picture using the "next costume" and "previous costume" blocks.
Chatbot: Create a simple chatbot that can respond to the user's input using the "ask [question] and wait" block and the "if then" block to check for specific keywords and respond accordingly.

Replit: Intermediate Code

Basic turtle commands such as forward() and backward()
Turning commands such as left() and right()
Pen control commands such as penup() and pendown()
Changing pen color and width
Creating loops to repeat commands
Using variables to store and manipulate values
Creating and calling functions
Using conditionals (if/else statements) to control the flow of the program
Importing the turtle module
Creating and customizing shapes and figures
Using coordinate system
Opening and closing the turtle window
I can statements
I can move the turtle forward and backward
I can make the turtle turn left or right
I can make the turtle lift up or put down its pen
I can change the turtle's pen color or width
I can make the turtle repeat a set of commands multiple times
I can store and use variables in my turtle program
I can create and call a function in my turtle program
I can use if/else statements to control the flow of my program
I can create and customize different shapes and figures with the turtle
I can use the turtle's coordinate system to draw specific patterns or shapes
I can open and close the turtle window
I can use turtle's built-in functions like clear() or reset()
I can use turtle to draw circles, rectangles and other shapes
I can use turtle to create and draw on a canvas
I can use turtle to write my name or other text on the canvas
I can use turtle to make a simple animation
I can use turtle to make a game
I can use turtle to create a fractal pattern
I can use turtle with other libraries like random to make my program more interesting
I can share my turtle project with others


Learning Steps
Create an account on the selected tool (e.g. Canvas Whiteboard or Figma)
Learn how to access the tool and navigate through its interface
Learn how to create a new project or join an existing one
Learn how to invite other members to the project
Learn how to use the different tools and features (e.g. text, shapes, drawings, sticky notes)
Learn how to use the chat feature to communicate with team members
Learn how to use the comments feature to give feedback and suggestions
Learn how to use the file sharing feature to upload and share documents
Learn how to use the screen sharing feature to present the work in progress
Learn how to use the export feature to save or share the final work.
Collaboration Checklist
We took turns speaking and listened actively to each other
We took turns speaking and listened actively to each other
We wrote down or captured all ideas, no matter how wild or unrealistic they seemed
We asked questions to understand and expand on each other's ideas
We considered different perspectives and ideas from all group members
We tried to build on and combine different ideas to create new possibilities
We evaluated the feasibility and potential impact of each idea
We set goals and deadlines for the next steps
We assigned roles and responsibilities to different group members
We made sure everyone had a clear understanding of the project and their role in it
We reviewed and reflected on the brainstorming process to identify areas for improvement.

Email & admin basics

Understand how to navigate to the Gmail website () or use the Gmail app on a device
Know how to log in to the account using an email address and password
Familiarity with basic email functions such as composing, replying, forwarding and deleting emails
Knowledge of how to organize emails using labels, folders, or the archive feature
Understand how to attach files, images, or documents to an email
Familiarity with searching for specific emails within the account
Knowledge of how to manage contacts within the account
Understand the concept of spam and how to mark an email as spam or report it
Familiarity with the Google drive website () or the Google drive app
Understand how to upload, download, and share files on drive
Familiarity with creating and editing documents on drive using Google Docs
Knowledge of how to organize files on drive using folders.

To see a final list of what has been achieved, .
Skills Cards
Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Outcome 4
Outcome 5
Outcome 6
Outcome 7
Image 9
Art: Procreate
Coding: LEGO Spike
Content Creation
Email_Improvement Card #1
🚀 I can create my own email address on Gmail.
🚀 I can create a secure and memorable password.
🚀 I can send a ‘hello world’ email to my teacher.
🚀 I can download the gmail app on another device and sign in
Email_Improvement Card #2
🚀 I can add 2 step authentication to my gmail account.
🚀 I can make my teacher the 2nd party sign in, so that I can sign in at school.
🚀 I can send an email with an attachment.
🚀 I can reply to an email.
🚀 I can use my gmail account to sign up on another platform.
🚀 I can record these improvements with screenshots.
Email_Improvement Card #3
🚀 I can filter out spam from my inbox.
🚀 I can CC someone in an email.
🚀 I know the difference between BC and CC
🚀 I can forward an email to someone else.
🚀 I can create folders in my email inbox.
🚀 I can record my new improvements in a way I find most effective.
Email_Mastery Card #4
💎 I can use my knowledge of email to teach one of my peers about it.
💎 I have helped one of my peers set up their own email.
💎 I have received feedback from my peer(s) on how I taught them about email.
Powerpoint_Challenge Card #3
👾 I can use the copy and paste shortcuts
👾 I can use the save shortcut key
👾 I can use find and replace
👾 I can use the formatting brush
👾 I can use a screen recording app to show off how I use the shortcuts - showing my face and my screen.
👾 I can share my demonstration video with a link.
Powerpoint_Skills Card #1
✅ I can open a new Powerpoint presentation
✅ I can add a new slide to my presentation
✅ I can change the font and size of my text
✅ I can make text bold or in italics
✅ I can insert an image that makes things more interesting
✅ I can change the background of a slide
Powerpoint_Skills Card #2
✅ I can add many images to a multi-slide powerpoint presentation.
✅ I can use a template or a theme across all my slides.
✅ I can add a video to my presentation
✅ I can add transitions between slides so that when I present my powerpoint, it looks better.
✅ I can present my ideas in a powerpoint, either in front of a live audience or in a screen recording video.
Typing_Improvement Card #1
🚀 I can find a typing tutorial or game that I enjoy.
🚀 I can explain to someone where to place their fingers on a keyboard.
🚀 I can explain to someone which fingers should reach which keys.
🚀 I can complete my first 2 hours of typing practice.
🚀 I can record my progress by writing or recording an explanation of the typing basics.
Typing_Improvement Card #2
🚀 I can complete typing practice regularly, by including it in my daily schedule.
🚀 I can complete my first 3 hours of practice.
🚀 I can take a typing test and reach 20 words per minute.
🚀 I can record my progress on a platform that works for me and share it with my teacher.
Typing_Improvement Card #3
🚀 I can take a typing test and reach 35 words per minute, with less than 10 mistakes.
🚀 I can use shift to change to capital letters.
🚀 I can use shift to make an underscore _, exclamation mark ! and an asterix *.
🚀 I can record my progress on a platform that works for me and share it with my teacher.
Typing_Improvement Card #4
🚀 I can take a typing test and reach 50 words per minute, with less than 8 mistakes.
🚀 I can use shift to make an underscore _, exclamation mark ! and an asterix *.
🚀 I can show off my skills in a live demonstration to my class.
Typing_Mastery Card #5
💎 I am a confident typer.
💎 I can teach a peer to typing and introduce them to the concepts they need to succeed.
Word_Challenge Card #4
👾 I can use the copy shortcut.
👾 I can use the paste shortcut.
👾 I can use the select all shortcut.
👾 I can use the format brush.
👾 I can use the undo shortcut.
👾 I can use a screen recording app to show my screen and my face and do a demonstration on my screen.
👾 I can share a video link
Word_Skills Card #1
✅ I can open a word document
✅ I can save a word document
✅ I can save a word document as a pdf
✅ I can change the font size in Word
✅ I can use spellcheck in Word
✅ I can write a one page document in word on a topic that excites me
Word_Skills Card #2
✅ I can create a multi-page Word topic on a topic that is important to me
✅ I can align the heading to the centre
✅ I can change the font, add italics and make important information bold.
✅ I can change the line spacing to 1.5
✅ I can perform spell check on my document to make sure it is free from errors.
✅ I can save my document as a pdf and email it to my teacher.
✅ I have added a picture that makes my content even better.
Green Modern Financial Advisor Resume Curriculum Vitae.png
Word_Skills Card #3
✅ I can create a professional looking Word Document to sum up data that I have collected
✅ I can add two sections to my Word Document using a table of contents and headings.
✅ I can insert a table and use it effectively to show data.
✅ I can add page numbers to my document.
There are no rows in this table

Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.