Project Lab Report / Phase 1

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This year, the school has begun with a more stringent academic approach and more mainstream teachers. It is no secret that our learners are taking strain, particularly those with anxiety. I quickly spotted the increasing levels of anxiety in the classroom and decided to use Art in the first few weeks to kick start a classroom culture of reflection and constructive discussion.
Art has become the ideal platform for this. Seniors are more concerned with technical art skills, and thus have begun to theme their own projects with the specific things they would like to practice. In the junior space, we use Art to brainstorm, consolidate, summarise discussion notes and visual though processes. This is primarily to support the learning around the theme of the EdTech project, rather than be a standalone subject.
So far, it is working marvelously and the learners are responding extremely well to having a ‘less academically motivated space in which to think. It has also contributed positively to the classroom culture. The goal for the end of the year would be to create more in-depth art pieces which demonstrate their thinking further and which can be exhibited with EdTech projects.

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