Institutional Learning Outcomes for Undergraduate Students (ULOs)
Written Communication (WC): Students will compose focused and coherent written content; organize and logically develop their ideas; find, analyze and integrate appropriate sources; and demonstrate facility in discipline- or genre-specific conventions of writing.
Oral Communication (OC): Students will make verbal presentations in which they articulate a central message, organize main ideas, integrate appropriate supporting information, employ language appropriate for the topic and audience, and utilize delivery techniques that enhance the presentation.
Systematic Inquiry (SI)—Critical Thinking & Information Literacy: Students will explain a problem, articulate a (hypo)thesis, investigate using appropriate sources, analyze the information, and craft logical conclusions and creative solutions to the problem.
Quantitative Reasoning (QR): Students will demonstrate understanding of quantitative facts and concepts, perform calculations successfully, and apply problem solving strategies to analyze quantitative data and to draw appropriate conclusions.
Christian Literacy and Faith (CLF): Students will describe the contents and contexts of the Bible, Christianity’s major teachings, how the Christian faith connects to their academic discipline(s) and vocations in life, and have many opportunities to receive instruction in the Christian faith.
Service to Society and Church (SSC): Students will serve society in ethical and merciful ways, examining benefits gained and challenges encountered, and Christian students have many opportunities to serve the church.
Informed and Responsive Citizenship (IRC): Students will explain how political and economic systems have influenced citizenship in the United States and the world; interact effectively and ethically with people of various cultural/global contexts; engage with and analyze the arts; articulate how the culture of scientific knowledge relates to other disciplines; and describe healthy lifestyles.
Specialized Knowledge (SK): Students will apply knowledge in a specific field that draws on current research, scholarship and/or techniques in the field.