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Pre-Flight Check list

🚩Start Here

If you haven’t already done so, submit your

Download the LO Business Plan

Step 2:
Step 3: call where we will review your LO business plan and tweak it with you to help ensure you get the results you are looking for.

Here are some questions we’ll discuss in our first meeting:

Have you created a Gmail Account with your company email?
If you want to start a new one, we will help you set it up an see if it’s available.
Branch Managers ONLY | Do you have a Google My Business Page? (Don’t do if working out of corporate)
Google My Business Setup - for Google My Business
Do you have a Facebook Business Page?
Facebook Business Page Setup - for Facebook
Do you have an Instagram Business Page?
Instagram Business Page Setup - for Instagram
Do you have a LinkedIn Profile?
LinkedIn profile Set Up - for LinkedIn
Do you have a website or specific Domain Name you wanted to use?
We can help you with what you already have, or help create one for you. If you haven’t already registered a domain name, you can check on availability and purchase it:
Do you have a Calendly set up?
Here is a link to sign up. We recommend the FREE plan and here’s :
Is Zoom set up on your computer and phone?
City First has a special deal with ZOOM, so sign up should be easy. Here is a link:

Build Your Database

If you don’t have an organized database, we have tools to help!
Do you have a Database of Past Clients that you’d like to “connect” with?
Do you have a Database of Partners that you’d like to “Re-connect” with?
Have you exported your personal contacts from your phone?

Here is a check list of things to have ready prior to On-Boarding:

Log In Information for the following:
Google My Business Page
Facebook Business Page
Instagram Business Page
LinkedIn Profile
CSV Files for database integration
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