DAO's, DisCO's and DHO's?

DisCO to death, and beyond!

With escalating prices for funerals, a new way to consider how we embrace death as part of regenerating life must come to bare. One of the many issues associated with dying is body deposition. The impact that this has is mainly overlooked.

DisCo to death is a simple and affordable solution that reimagines our relationship with death. It operates by facilitating natural burials in a woodland owned by the legal structure that DisCo operates for. This approach allows us to continue being regenerative in death and beyond, bringing us as close as possible to the concept of eternal life.'
In essence, DisCo pays forward for our death, ensuring that there is no financial burden on the family upon the death of any member. The DisCO is there to support in this process, outlining what happens to the body and, because it is member owned, it has been agreed all members that this is what should be happening at the point of death.
Investing in the DisCO and participating in it supports the entity to consider all of these factors, both the life and the life after death are part of the process.

One of the aims is to purchase enough land to ensure that a natural burial can occur, we create our very own DisCO dance floor for the dead as they continue to support the ecosystem that will flourish from the energy they provide as they decompose, forever adding to the natural landscape that they are part of. Growing food in the agro forest now becomes further entwined with the practice of circularity. As the body decomposes, the food that is produced from the surrounding area will be attuned to the bacteria and DNA that has been subsumed into the soil, bringing the concept of ‘you are what you eat’ back to into life. Your relatives live on through us all, the ecosystem that we are all part of.

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