Mastering LinkedIn: A Comprehensive Guide to Networking, Personal Branding, and Career Advancement
Mastering LinkedIn: A Comprehensive Guide to Networking, Personal Branding, and Career Advancement

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Schedule posts

LinkedIn is introducing a new feature that enables users to schedule posts for later publication.
Owned by Microsoft, the social media platform has apparently been trialing this feature internally for a few months, as indicated by an online report from web developer and app researcher Nima Owji back in August.
Now, it appears that LinkedIn is preparing for a broader rollout, with an increasing number of reports across social media mentioning the feature.
Social media consultant and well-known tipster Matt Navarra confirmed that he had access to the post-scheduling feature on both the Android app and the LinkedIn website.
Among TechCrunch team members, some have access to the feature while others do not, but the feature has been independently verified on the web.
Users with access to the feature will notice a small clock icon next to the "post" button within the message composition box.
Though marketers, influencers, and "thought leaders" worldwide will likely welcome this new feature, it's worth mentioning that similar capabilities have been available through third-party platforms like Hootsuite and Buffer.
However, not all users are comfortable granting third-party platforms access to their LinkedIn accounts due to privacy concerns.
Additionally, native functionality is generally more convenient, particularly for users who only want to share specific content with their LinkedIn followers.
When users click on the clock icon, they can select a specific date and 30-minute time slot for their scheduled post.
In reality, native post-scheduling has been a notable omission from LinkedIn, a widely used social network that boasts around 875 million members globally.

How to schedule posts on Linkedin?

To schedule posts on LinkedIn, follow these steps:
Log in to your LinkedIn account via the website or mobile app. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, the scheduling feature might not be available for all users, as LinkedIn was still in the process of rolling it out. If you have access to the feature, proceed with the following steps.
Click on the "Start a post" box or the "+" icon (on mobile) to open the message composition box.
Compose your post, adding text, images, links, or videos as desired.
Look for a small clock icon next to the "Post" button within the message composition box. If you see this icon, it means you have access to the scheduling feature.
Click on the clock icon to open the scheduling options.
Select a specific date and 30-minute time slot for your scheduled post.
Once you've chosen the desired date and time, click "Schedule" to confirm.
Your post will now be scheduled for automatic publication at the specified date and time.
If you don't have access to LinkedIn's native scheduling feature, you can use third-party tools like Hootsuite or Buffer to schedule your LinkedIn posts. Simply sign up for an account with one of these platforms, connect your LinkedIn account, and follow their scheduling instructions.

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