Mastering LinkedIn: A Comprehensive Guide to Networking, Personal Branding, and Career Advancement
Mastering LinkedIn: A Comprehensive Guide to Networking, Personal Branding, and Career Advancement

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Post size

LinkedIn Post Size
When sharing content on LinkedIn, it's crucial to adhere to the platform's recommended image and text sizes.
For LinkedIn posts, the optimal image size is 1200x627 pixels (1.91:1 aspect ratio).
For the accompanying text, it's best to keep the message concise, as only the first 2-3 lines (approximately 210 characters) are visible without clicking "see more."

How long should a Linkedin post be?

The ideal length of a LinkedIn post depends on the type of content you're sharing and your intended audience. However, here are some general guidelines to help you determine the optimal length for your LinkedIn posts:
Text Posts: While LinkedIn allows up to 3,000 characters for a text post, it's best to keep your message concise and focused. Aim for 210 characters or fewer, as only the first 2-3 lines of text are visible without clicking "see more." Longer posts are acceptable if you're sharing valuable insights, but be sure to use line breaks and bullet points to make the content easily readable.
Article Links: When sharing a link to an article, it's essential to include a brief description, insight, or question to encourage engagement. Aim for 1-3 sentences (100-200 characters) to pique interest without overwhelming your audience.
Images: Accompanying text for image posts should be concise and provide context for the visual content. Like article links, aim for 1-3 sentences (100-200 characters) to encourage engagement.
Videos: When sharing a video, include a brief description or a question to encourage viewers to watch and engage with the content. Keep the accompanying text to 1-3 sentences (100-200 characters) for optimal engagement.
Remember that engagement is key on LinkedIn. Regardless of the length, make sure your post is relevant, valuable, and thought-provoking to encourage likes, comments, and shares. Experiment with different post lengths and formats to determine what resonates best with your audience and drives the most engagement.

Linkedin post character limit

LinkedIn allows up to 3,000 characters for a text post

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