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Code of Conduct

Expectations and guidelines for the members and participants of our community

We're just getting started, so we haven't launched our community site yet, but you can subscribe by email to get updates on our progress, and a first look at what we're building. Join our waitlist here:

Our Commitment

The IAM Pulse team believes that community comes first, in everything that we do. We pledge to make membership and participation a positive and informative experience where we can focus on the professional practice of cloud security and our roles as cloud practitioners. We encourage and embrace participation in all forms from our members.
Our niche and expert community of enthusiasts is comprised of learners & teachers, beginners & experts which we believe strengthens our community’s knowledge base - a rising tide lifts all ships.


The IAM Pulse Community Code of Conduct applies to all members of and activities on the IAM Pulse community website located at (coming soon).
Whether engaging online or at in-person events, we expect our members to always treat one another with respect, act with integrity, and foster shared learning amongst your fellow cloud enthusiasts.


We do not tolerate behavior or content that reflects or endorses:
Harassment and bullying
Discrimination and hate
Illegal activity
Abuse of private information
Misleading or false information meant to incite harm or fear


All content - technical and commentary - shared with the community must adhere to the Standards noted above. Moderators have the right reject or remove content in violation of this Code of Conduct in addition to restricting or banning accounts with severe or repeated violations.
You own what you create. Your content will remain on the IAM Pulse website available to all community members provided it meets the Standards as noted above, and does not violate any laws or regulations.
Always give credit where credit is due. We encourage sharing outside of the community to bring attention to all of the great contributions, however proper attribution should be given when citing other members’ work.


Moderators will use their discretion to ensure that our community and its members are not mistreated nor abused. All members can report misconduct on the community website. All reports will be reviewed and thoroughly investigated.
Restricted or banned members will lose access to granting new member invitations and will not be able to create a new or second account to re-join this community.
If changes are made to this Code of Conduct, they will be logged on the website, and the community will be updated via email.
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