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Deadlift Only Meet - Virtual, Non Sanctioned

Use this page to understand the processes from registration, rules, refund policy, etc.

Taking place from June 18th - July 2nd.

As this meet is run virtually we have provided a broader time frame for you to record your sets and send them to us. Please read the Meet Flow section to have an understanding of how the experience will be like.

What you will need.

As this meet is virtual the setup will be different. You will NOT need a lifting singlet or competition grade equipment, but if you plan to compete do ensure you have at minimum the below.
A space to deadlift. This can be in a gym or even in your home. Check read the Bars & Plates section to understand what is allowed.

Proper attire. We are lax on attire but we need to be able to visually determine the position of the hips, knees, and shoulders during the deadlift. Please read the Attire section to understand fully.

Two sets of cameras, as each deadlift attempt requires two different angles it has to be recorded from. You can set up tripods or have a couple friends record for you. Please read the Video Angle section to understand what angle you will have to record from.

A Google account. We will be reviewing your attempts through Google Drive. So your attempts will have to be uploaded into a shared folder that we will provide you with during the period from June 18th - July 2nd.
The Timestamp app. This allows us to verify that all your attempts were done in a single session and at the same location. We will be releasing a video in the near future on how to use this under the Timestamp App section.

Am I eligible to compete?

All local and international individuals are allowed to compete, as this meet will be run virtually.


You can more or less wear anything, but there are a few caveats.
Please watch our video below for more information.

Bars & Plates

The use of a commercial bar, power bar, or deadlift bar is permissible, as long as the bar has a weight of 20kg.
The use of bumper or steel plates are permissible, as long as the plates are calibrated.

We have made the ruling flexible to allow everyone to compete. If you are unsure if the bar and plates you are using is permissible please drop a DM on our Instagram.

Meet Flow

Please read below to have a general understanding of the virtual meet experience.
You will choose a day between June 18th - July 2nd to do your 3 deadlift attempts. You do not have to inform us which you day you decide to take your attempts.

On the day of your choosing you will use the Timestamp App to take a photo of your weigh-in. Please read the Timestamp App and Weigh-In sections on this page for more information.

You can choose to take your first deadlift attempt on the same day of your weigh-in, or you may use a 24-hour window to rest and refeed.

Examples below
Lifter A: Weigh-ins on June 20th, and does his first attempt on the same day.
Lifter B: Weighs-in on June 20th, and does his first attempt the next day on June 21st.

Not Allowed
Lifter C: Weighs-in on June 20th, and does his first attempt on June 22nd (exceeds 24 hour window).

You will ensure that your attempts are recorded as specified in the Video Angle section on this page.

You will submit your attempts as specified in the Video Submission section on this page.


The meet will be priced at RM80 per pax.


All registrations will be through a Google form, which can be found on our or the direct link
. Once the Google form is submitted you will receive an invoice in your email within 3 working days. This invoice will have a payment button, which you can click to make a payment.
Cut off date for registration is 30 April, 2021.

Refund Policy

Once payment is made there will be no refund. Only under the circumstance that we cannot hold the meet, e.g. MCO, will a refund be given.


For this Virtual Meet, we will be following the IPL Rulebook.
Please note that when using the IPL Rulebook, only the sections pertaining to the execution of the deadlift and attempt selection will be strictly observed. We have modified the rules for attire and equipment used. Have a read at the Attire and Bar & Plates section on this page for more information.
Please note that the IPL Rulebook is property of the IPL, and is not owned by Malaya Mayhem.
IPL Rulebook Image.PNG
We have also created a video for newer lifters to understand some commands and potential causes of disqualification (DQ) during the deadlift.

Timestamp App

You will need to download the Timestamp App to participate.
We will be releasing a simple How To video for the Timestamp App by April 11th 2021. In the meantime please download the app and experiment with it.


You are free to use any gym (or home gym!) of your choice, assuming that you have the eligible equipment. Read the Bars & Plates section to check if your equipment is eligible.

Video Angle

You will have to record your attempts from two different sides, which are both a front angle from 30 to 45 degrees. Please refer to the image below (courtesy of TSG!)
Image Credit: The Strength Guys
Please follow the below guidelines as well.
The camera should be at an approximately knee-hip height.
Include the entire lift in video collection, from the start of the set-up to the time the hands have left the bar once it is safely in on the floor.
Ensure that lighting in the room provides proper visibility for the referees.
Ensure that bar load can be seen.
Ensure that the entire body is in view.

We have also created a video for better understanding. Please have a watch below.

Video Submission

All video files (including missed attempts) MUST be named in the format below which includes Attempt and Load Lifted.
Below is an example of an individual who has labelled all his videos correctly.
1st Attempt
Attempt 1_175kg_Angle 1
Attempt 1_175kg_Angle 2

2nd Attempt
Attempt 2_180kg_Angle 1
Attempt 2_180kg_Angle 2

3rd Attempt
Attempt 3_190kg_Angle 1
Attempt 3_190kg_Angle 2

With 3 attempts, you should have a total of 6 videos.
After successful meet registration, we will share a Google Drive folder to your email.
Please upload all your videos onto this shared folder within competition period. Kindly note that this folder is dedicated to you only and will not be shared with other athletes.


For this virtual meet we will be using a flexible weigh-in period of up to 24 hours.
Examples below
Lifter A: Weigh-ins on June 20th, and does his first attempt on the same day.
Lifter B: Weighs-in on June 20th, and does his first attempt the next day on June 21st.

Not Allowed
Lifter C: Weighs-in on June 20th, and does his first attempt on June 22nd (exceeds 24 hour window).

The time window will be verified by viewing the time stamps of the weigh-in photo and opening attempt video submissions.
The photo will have to snapped using the Timestamp App, and will be uploaded into the shared folder along with your deadlift attempts. Please read the Video Submission section on this page to understand how the shared folder works.
You may use any weighing scale of your choosing.

Guidelines for submitting your weigh-in photo are listed below.

The participant must provide a photo of him/her standing on the scale using the Timestamp mobile application. The participant must take their opening attempt on the deadlift within 6 hours of weighing in.
The weight value on the scale MUST be identifiable in this photo.
There is no minimum clothing requirement. Feel free to keep your clothes on or strip to your underwear

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