Our focus is serving companies already using Coda and willing to improve their data exchange between docs. 2WS is not always required, often a one side sync will do the job. Both solutions are superior to the standard Cross Doc Pack provided by Coda.
We do not serve Coda consultants or Experts in need of this solution to serve their respective clients. We only serve companies who need this solution to move forward.
Additional Support
It may happen you need additional support for 2WS or related issues. We’d love to help out.
What is in the extra hour?
The target doc
Guidance in the docs
Example of a filter in an automation
Our focus in this hour is the sync solution, maybe the addOrModifyRows() logic as well — since it is related — , but nothing else. We’d love to see you understanding (the benefits of) this solution.
Want to print your doc? This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (