
Secondary data review for simple Tasks
Why would there be a data fix for this type of question?

Old Links need to be updated
This is an issue that I hoped would have been fixed without my indetification.
Bad Links number1.png
Empty Set Results
Can you please propose a universal response when the correct answer is a null set.
Finish the Right Navigation
Access to the correct data file should be presented.
Wrong Results for Detached Task
For the BANDL profile, there are Detached locations
Date from the wrong Profile presented after a switch
I switched the Profiles and despite the message that it was accessing the right data, the result set is wrong. This is a VERY large issue if this were in production.
Proper Labels (not Variables) for Table Headers
Looking for ways to address this consistently

Seeing an inconsistent count of disconnected locations.
The task is showing me 200 listings in the Captain profile but in the LocalClarity profile I am only seeing 56
Listing Management (1).png
Localclarity - 2025-03-13T162221.765.png

Health Score Values, >90 Task
Received a 502 error when trying to find the health scores in the Captain profile based on the task instructions
Listing Management (2).png
Please note that the Captain profile does not have any listings that have a health score that is greater than 90, but it should just be able to say that without an error
Question: How many primary categories are there in the profile?
Listing Management (4).png
Maybe due to the question I asked, but I had to follow up and ask for a distinct listing count . The bulk spreadsheet was not loading to validate
Asked for detached listings in Captain and it said there were none in the profile. Checking the location controls, that is not true
Listing Management (6).png
Localclarity - 2025-03-13T165638.416.png

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