Page Construct
Left Nav
Main Content
Search Bar - bottom
Help Button - upper right to trigger AI chat box
Quick links - between header and main content
Right Nav - template lists
New Chat
Listings templates
Reviews templates
History slide-out only
Help slide-out only with small instructions
Phase II
-- Integrations table
-- Collections search
Functionality Requirements
History Section
Store and present the last 20 chats from that Profile, broken into the timeline groups of “Today, Yesterday, Previous”. These history records should be recorded with the user name, timestamp, title (query or template name), if the conversation started with a template execution or a new chat.
SuperAdmin queries in a profile should be listed as ‘Client Success” if they are saved. SuperAdmins should be given the option to save or not save template executions or new chats for each profile.
We will record the individual usage but we will not yet provide any reporting on individual usage. This will be a future effort.
Help Button
The upper right help button will be connected to a chat window the triggers in the lower right. The platform and content is an open consideration.