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Accountability and Action

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Accountability and Action Overview

What is this?

People join “masterminds” and pay for coaching and join all sorts of clubs to work towards various goals, improve themselves, and build their network. Consider this a starter version of sorts for those interested in participating in that sort of self-help work.
So far while participating in the program, people...
Got a new job
Reinvigorated their daily reading and writing habit
Launched a new business
Developed a business plan
Prioritize habits for their health
Got into business school
Made it through wedding planning with little to no stress
... and much more. Read for yourself in

Who might be interested?

Well, seemingly you since you clicked on this link to read this document!
Generally speaking...
You have a career goal you’re chasing
You want to get better at setting goals and maintaining accountability.
You want to launch a side hustle
You want to develop a new habit
You want to try something new and push yourself
.... and many other use cases.


11 at 6:30AM PST on Wednesdays.
We start on Wednesday 11/6 and the last meeting will be 1/15!
Each call will be about 1 hour.
Price: $WhatFeelsGood
I ask for a $110 deposit - but you will earn $10 back for each call you attend (11 total). This is mostly to help keep you motivated to attend and also - start your Wednesdays with some income for 11 weeks! That said, if the deposit is an issue (or you know you will miss a class or two) - just let me know.
Some programs like this cost $2500+, I don’t want to charge that. My goal is to make an experience like this accessible to everyone. As such, I offer them purely based on what you are comfortable paying. Pay up front if you think it will help you stay accountable. Pay at the end if you feel more accomplished than expected. Pay in gratitude and participation if you do not have excess funds at the moment.
$275 works out to $25 per meeting
$550 works out to $50 per meeting
$1000 is still half off other programs (like
Additionally - I donate 25% of every dollar paid to

Program Goals:

Work towards a goal you have for your life
Ultimately, everyone should get closer to something worth chasing.
Have Fun
So often the world wants us to be serious. This space should be one of positivity, belief, and drive.
Get Uncomfortable
“You can either be comfortable or you can grow.” We’re here to grow. Give feedback; care deeply.
Emphasize Discipline
Setting goals is great and all, but achieving them feels even better. Be your word.
Prioritize YOU
No one forces you to participate. You’re here for you. Make yourself a priority.
Action action action
These next few months should feel like a sprint. Be about that action, boss.
Make new connections
Crazy to think other people want to do something like this. Who knows, maybe you’ll like each other!

Rules (they’re more of guidelines):

Don’t be late
Don’t miss any meetings
Fill out the forms before each call
Push yourself
Be open
3 strikes and you’re out.

How to Join

Step 1: Reach out to me via or
Step 2: We find some time to chat and make sure you’re excited to participate!
Step 3: Secure your spot by paying the deposit via venmo or Zelle.
Step 4: See you on Wednesday!

Check out the structure.

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