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Getting started with Hackvertor

Frequently asked questions

Other things you might need to know about Hackvertor

Why are my Hackvertor tags disappearing?

Hackvertor allows you to tag traffic for encoding in an area such as Repeater — then Hackvertor will convert that traffic when sending a request.
But when you’re sending traffic using the HTTP/2 protocol, keep in mind the following:
If tagged traffic includes white space between characters — such as if you want to add <@urlencode> tags to a SQL statement — Burp Suite will trim that statement after its first space.
Tagged traffic that includes white space and uses HTTP/2 protocol will need to be converted first.
If you want to learn more about HTTP/2 in Burp Suite, see .

Why aren’t tags converting on send?

If tags aren’t converting on send, it might be because:
Tags are disabled for the respective area. If you’re sending traffic using the Repeater, disabled tags will mean Hackvertor does not convert those tags on send. Those tags will be sent along with the request — which could produce an unexpected response. Check out .
Hackvertor supports menu-based tag injection. However, if you’re inserting these manually, you may be inserting tags that aren’t supported by Hackvertor, or be mistyping a tag. For a list of tags, refer to the Tags section of .
If you tags aren’t converting when sending HTTP traffic and you can’t see the Hackvertor tab navigation bar, the Hackvertor extension might be unloaded. For more information on loading extensions in Burp Suite, visit .

Why do I lose the contents of my Hackvertor tabs after closing Burp Suite?

If you’re using Burp Suite Community Edition, you only have the option to work inside a temporary project. That means you can’t save any traffic transferred to a Hackvertor tab — which is then lost when Burp Suite is closed or restarted.

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