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Enable Hackvertor tags in Burp Suite

Change where tags are converted in Burp Suite

Enable tags in Burp Suite tabs 🎦

You can stop tags being converted in areas throughout Burp Suite. Even when disabled, you can still insert tags — it just means they won’t be converted when HTTP traffic is sent.
Sending tagged HTTP traffic with tags disabled? Hackvertor tags aren’t converted but are still sent in requests, which may result in unexpected responses.
To enable and disable tags in Burp Suite tabs:
In the top navigation bar, click Hackvertor.
In the dropdown list, click to tick or untick the relevant option for a Burp Suite area — such as Allow tags in Proxy.
Ticked means tags are enabled in that area of Burp Suite, and will be converted when sending traffic.
Unticked means tags are disabled in that area of Burp Suite, and won’t be converted when sending traffic.
🎦 Enable tags in Burp Suite tabs (click to expand)
Enable tags.gif

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