Some ideas for ways to make this a more full featured management application

Rental Cost

Currently you have to add the charge/cost for each new rental as it is booked

Checklist per booking

the basic steps they take (email guest, make sure room is ready, program new key code for door, etc)
Customizable per property/unit
New booking record creates new checklist

Text House Cleaners

Text House Cleaner on Check in and Check out
Automatically look for all checkins happening today
text the default/primary cleaner that a checkin is happening today and give them checkout date
Automatically look for all checkins happening tomorrow
Text the default/primary cleaner that a checkout is happening tomorrow
Could they reply DONE and we add a record to the service view?

Add House Cleaner to Coda

Maybe this is a separate app just for cleaning
Can we use automation to share data across documents?

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