icon picker

What are cards?

Think of a card like a cue card used in a TV studio - a prompt for what you should be saying next.
A cue card could contain
A subject heading reminding the host (you) what to talk about
Specific wording for part of a segment (with each card kept relatively short)
An interview question
“boilerplate” like the links or other calls-to-action you need to call out
In lieu of a “cue card guy”, these cards will drive your .
You will progress through the cards using a keyboard shortcut, Stream Deck or other remote control.
With Beat Sheet, you can add “smart” features to these cards, like
Automatically switching to different scene in your streaming software
Displaying a simple heading, graphic, or animated sequence of bullet points
Triggering any app that can be controlled with a URL
Triggering OSC-based functions of other apps
Switching to a screen share (requires )
Switching to a specific video or image in (requires )

Creating cards

Create a new card by clicking “Add New Card” at the end of the list of cards, or using the keyboard shortcut “Cmd+Enter”.
You should err on the side of shorter cards than making longer ones, to avoid running out of space on your teleprompter.

Splitting cards

If one card gets too long, you can move some of its text to a new card.
Select the text you want to move and use the Edit menu’s “Move Selected Text To New Card” (or press Cmd, Option and the Down Arrow).
This will break your card out into two cards, like so.

Pasting from other apps

Apple’s Notes app is a great way to brainstorm your idea.
You can select and copy your notes like this:
Then in Beat Sheet, make sure you’re not currently editing a card by clicking in the blue area outside the cards.
Now when you paste, your notes will be broken out into cards:

Adding titles

Add a title by clicking the icon on the right side of a card.
Or select some text and use the menu command “Selected Text to Title” (Shift+Cmd+T) if you don’t want to leave your keyboard.

Navigating longer scripts

Open the sidebar to see your script outline.
You will see your titles as clickable sections, and each card gets a line beneath.
If the sidebar is too narrow to show the toggle button, drag its right-hand edge to make make it wider.

Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.