If you don’t see the Welcome window, go to the File menu and select Welcome to Beat Sheet.
Using Templates
You’ll have a prompt... [finish]
Working with Streaming Software (Ecamm Live, OBS or mimoLive)
Launch your streaming software
Ecamm Live, OBS or mimoLive should be running when you use Beat Sheet.
This allows the respective apps’ available scenes or layer sets to be displayed inside Beat Sheet.
However, if you are not ready to start setting up your scenes and just wish to start drafting your script, you can launch your streaming software at a later time.
Select your Streaming Software
Streaming software is selected per-document.
Click select box containing “Ecamm Live” on the right to switch to OBS or mimoLive.
This governs which select box appears on the cards below.
Your streaming software needs to be running for the select box to work.
When using mimoLive
You will also select a document if you use mimoLive.