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Micah Cottingham 2020 Term 3 Portfolio

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Googly Eyes Project

I wanted a quick way to figure out how many googly eyes it would take to completely cover my entire body. I figured since I already covered my face, I should go big and stay home. (Haha, get it? Thanks, I’ll be here all week.)
To calculate the body surface area I used the Mosteller formula. (Body surface area = Square root(Height*Weight/3600)) Then using the formulas function within Coda (the application I used to build this site), I calculated how many eyes it would take. Even though each eye is a circle, instead of using circumference I used the area of a square, since the circles would behave like squares in the way they overlapped. After I calculated how many eyes it would take to cover a person, I used the total surface area from each package of eyes (calculated in the Vendor Choice Table) to figure out how many packages of the eyes it would cost.
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