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Micah Cottingham 2020 Term 3 Portfolio

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This is a section from the original letter I wrote relating to how I can continue my learning at home. It includes my suggestions for projects for each of my classes. I’m including this so you can cross-reference this list with the final outcomes.
Here's how I think [the work I do during quarantine] could relate to each of my courses:
Media arts/animation: I'm still working with Randi, my animation tutor, and I'm posting my web comics regularly. I think I'm posting even more than I did last term.
Visual art: I'm hoping that the mask project, my zoom art classes and the art I'm doing with my brother could be my art work for the last term.
Graphic arts: In addition to making masks, which is design work, I've made illustrated instructions on how to care for masks, plus I'm managing my Etsy store which involves layout and listings design.
English: I'm doing some writing as part of my web comics, and for my Etsy store, and also lots of communication with people who are ordering masks. I'm also listening to fiction podcasts while I sew or do stuff around the house. My brother likes word games like Scrabble and a rhyming game so we can do some stuff like that together.
Math: There is so much practical math in this mask project! I have to figure out how much fabric to order, how to layout the masks to get the most out of each piece of fabric, and how to keep track of all my orders and budgets. I can share that math work in a way that shows what I've had to figure out. Also my brother is really into a math game called Prime Climb so we can play that together.
Comparative cultures: So far there hasn't been a lot of direct connection to comparative culture, but I am trying to spend more time talking with my grandma, because we are worried she is going to get lonely. She was a Classics professor and she could probably talk about some ancient history stuff with me when we talk by phone or Skype. Also, I could watch some documentaries while I'm sewing, or see if my brother wants to read some mythology books with me. He really likes Ancient Greek myths.
Spanish: I was thinking I could try cooking some recipes from Spanish-speaking countries as part of my household help. My brother has talked about wanting to learn Spanish so my parents got a couple of Spanish board games I can try playing with him. I can also listen to some Spanish music while I'm sewing and try to pick up some new vocabulary that way. If Ms. Calman is ok with this plan I think it makes a lot more sense for me to finish the Spanish year with her instead of trying to figure out VLN in the middle of all the stuff that's going on.

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