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The Relationship Clarity Tracker

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Choose today’s date. Make a habit of using the tracker on days you would like to reflect.
Use the slider to score your question. Note when prompted to use a positive score (slide right) or a negative score (slide left).
The ‘More Details’ areas are optional for you to do extra journaling or reflection.
Click ‘Submit’ at the end of the form to save your answers for today and the form will reset.
You can review your responses on the page.

Relationship Tracker
Were you in the Zone 0-5 times this week with your partner? Meaning that they sought out and leveraged your Genius to help them with a problem they were having.
If none, were there other instances where you felt valued, appreciated, and desired by your partner?
Conversely, did you value your partner and who they are this week? What prompted those moments?
How often did your partner’s actions heal your core emotional challenge?
How often did you focus on your own happiness and ability to heal your CEC?
How often was it enjoyable to live and be with your partner this week? If not, what prevented it from being enjoyable? (was it financial, how you operate (structure/chaos, control/collaboration), parenting, social, sexual, the difference in vision, or lack of time together?
What work can you do to improve the areas that are hard or struggling?
What negative mental chatter came up about yourself, your partner or your relationship? What prompted these negative moments? Record the trigger.
(Use negative score: -5=significant negative chatter, 0=no negative chatter)
How often were you intimate with your partner either physically or emotionally? Was that enough for you this week or did you want more or less? Was the quality high or low in your opinion?
How often did you face differences with curiosity rather than judgment?
What distractions came up this week that prevented you from being focused and committed?
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