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Quality of Life List

Critical for game to launch Total:

End of match glue:

Map / Gamemode voting after a match
Sent back to lobby after match. Stay in the group
End of match outro victory defeat screen
Score board at end of match


Ensure that any amount of servers can be displayed
Tutorial arted is the name shown in servers
Heavy Stress Testing
Hide player count
Vote kick system
Quick match button
Match making system
Allow private servers


coms laggy and messed up 3 days
Indicate if a player is on team/world channel in the scoreboard menu, or some other suitable location 2 days
ability to mute individual players 3 days
indication to who’s speaking, which channel 2 days


Update the tutorial
So much that is confusing to a new player. New players need to learn it to love it.
Ability and augment tutorial
Teach players how to play the game better
What to do after the tutorial? lead them to the next step, put them in a TDM all bots junk yard fight
Redesign the bindings screen, it still has 3 controllers, looks super confusing and is missing ability binding
In Cockpit guides / GIFs / text for what’s what, how to do things etc.
During start of match you get a voiced briefing 3 days
Fix Uplink mode and make it super understandable and readable 2 days

Performance pass

optimize textures 2 days
LOD light and heavy mechs 2 days
do basic tests and measure how screwed we are 1 day

Nice to have: Total:

Custom slots in games 4 days

This would allow for Players vs Bots mode
Allow custom bot count in servers
Allow AI difficulty options

Player metrics and stats: 6 days

Track various game metrics for development purposes as well as informing the player, provide them a challenge and numbers to track for their improvements
Most / Least played maps, gamemodes, mechs, weapons, augments
Player stats, kills, deaths, team kills, headshot %, favorite weapon, accuracy etc.
“maybe we have overcomplicated how to keep people playing. we don't need story or some grand system of unlicks but at least track peoples stats and let them keep them. show them metrics over time, like running shooting and running feels good but eventually is really nice to aim for something and trach growth and progress. we don't even have a kdr ratio.”

Options: 4 days

Sound settings 4 days
Volume levels for FX, comms, etc.
Input binding options 3 days

AI improvements: 3 Days

AI difficulty options 3 days
AI should play all game modes, capture points, arm / disarm etc. 5 days
Make AI smarter, less predictable, harder to play against 5 days
AI should be allowed more mech classes 5 days
AI could use abilities? 5 days
Fix AI Friendly Fire
AI Follow Player behaviour when Player is near 4 days

Game Feel: 7 days

Proper implementation of callouts for all gamemodes 2 days
Better feeling falling when mech death 1 day
mechs not making sound when they die. mechs disappearing after death 2 days
Art pass on unfinished maps 10 days
Finger tracking or hand transitioning into interact poses 2 days
on death stop cockpit from rotating past 90 degree. how could mech roll onto its head? lol 2 days
make hands less wonky to operate 2 days
mechs make sound and sparks when changing weapons and mechs make it less game like. 3 days
Specific sound for installation of parts on mech. maybe special sound for when picking mech class, augments etc.
Objective armed, neutralized still voiced by some nerd 2 days
cockpit variation 3 days
Materials or color changes for cockpits of different mechs. I.e. The resupply heavy could have a more brown cockpit, emp more green, etc.

Healing system: 3 days

Health UI rework, add arrows to directions to point to job, instructions are brighter than frame sectors ad electronic components. internal eletronics. will gain as much health as you can select.
Healing lever needs a rework
Healing lever hard to pull to heal still.

Bugs: 5 days

recentering dead puts you at a weird angle 1 day
Artillery kills a second before it kills you 1 day
Hide laser weapon meshes from turrets 1 day
hitting the ground sometimes spins the mech 1 day
Disappearing Rockets 1 day

Minimap: 4 days

minimap update, pings, enemies, health and ammo

Misc: 10 days

reinforcement heavys should not spawn on each other 2 days
Respawn by default in time, but allow to cancel by clicking loadout screen button instead of choosing when to respawn. 1 day
Friendly fire indicator 1 day
Improve ping visual, simplify it 2 days
Enemy solid red and location / range markers blue. different shape for the colorblind
Spawn killing still very easy 3 days
Map descriptions 2 days
Want to see map list when not host 1 day
Crouching mechanic, re-add and fix 4 days
Feet windows turn black on death 1 day

Too difficult, not worth it:

Weakspots: 10 days
Critical damage mech locations, heavy weak spot
dude directional damage on heavy would actually fix so fucking much including now TDM
Progress system, unlocks 8 days
Customization, mech / weapon skins 10 days
Lore / planet breaching etc. 10 days
add sequential recoil 8 days
Password protected servers 5 days
AI shouldn’t see through smoke 3 days
When gripping lever make pointer finger go down no mater what. 2 days

Outdated, removed:

Nerf snipers
no more sliding around the map after death
no more grinding sound on death
unify color pallet in cockpit. go with color blind colors by default?

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