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Case Studies

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Case Study: Project Management & BI Start-Up

Business Intelligence (BI) and Time Tracking Tool


With an MVP in use, significant differences in user needs arose through In-Depth Interviews and Usability Testing. Custom dashboards for different user types reduced friction for daily users by surfacing relevant information to the first screen upon log-in.


💬 Qualitative Research (In Depth Interviews)
🖥️ Prototyping


Internal project management tool for a tech consultancy.

Begun as an internal tool for Arrow Digital, this product evolved from a simple resource allocator into a functional predictive intelligence tool with a delightful user experience. As the lead UX designer, I was in charge of documenting the design system, designing new features, and reviewing development work.
This product was built through an agile, iterative process. Every step of the way, we worked with user goals of efficiency and productivity in mind. We were able to test features internally and constantly improve the user experience.


Usability evaluation identified issues with MVP.

After completing our minimum viable product (MVP), I was given time to work on what we called a “UX audit.” For this usability evaluation, I planned and facilitated a series of user testing sessions. In these sessions, I asked users to walk me through a few specific scenarios so I could find opportunities for improvement.
Regular users consistently dismissed the dashboard as irrelevant. These user interviews identified a clear oversight: The dashboard had been designed for stakeholders such as executives, rather than for the folks using the tool day-to-day.
Notes from a Usability Session with a Project Manager
“I don’t really look at this page, I just want to see my projects.” ​Project Manager


Customized Dashboards

One goal of this product was to make complex data actionable. I identified four main user types in order to provide the most relevant data immediately on log-in: Project Managers, Executives, Employees, and Allocation Managers. Each of these personas already had different permissions within the product, but we had failed to accommodate their different goals with the MVP dashboard.
With this update, users were now greeted with a dashboard tailored to their role each time they open up the product. Rather than forcing Project Managers to immediately click to the “Projects” index page, we could surface projects on the main dashboard. Project Managers were now able to identify at-risk projects “at-a-glance” or quickly dig into a specific project.

Project Manager Dashboard

Project Manager Dashboard focuses on Projects the user is responsible for


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Allocation Manager

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