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Case Studies

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Case Study: B2C Website Redesign

Redesign of a large Non-Profit Ministry Website (2016)


A large non-profit organization was looking to redesign their current website to increase efficiency for their content editors and improve the mobile experience. Focusing on audience personas allowed the creation of a responsive and personalized website that met the needs of both client and users.
Note: To protect the identity of this client, logos have been removed in this case study.


🖥️ Wireframes & Prototyping
📱 Mobile-First/Responsive Design


Large Website Redesign to Reach an Increasingly Mobile Audience

Working for a client as a UX Designer at Arrow Digital, this project included an extensive analysis of current website traffic and user behavior to inform a modern, mobile-friendly website redesign.
The Design team included myself, a lead UX Designer, and a Visual Designer. We collaborated closely with a Content Editor, Project Manager, and Website Developers.


Understanding User Personas

The UX team began the project with a one-week discovery phase. We conducted a heuristic review of the site, identifying the main areas in need of improvement as “Information Architecture” and the “Mobile Experience”. The client had a static fixed-width website which hindered the mobile experience and made updating content slow and cumbersome. With this in mind, we constructed a 2-day intensive onsite stakeholder workshop to complete our discovery and confirm our findings with the client.
The main deliverable of the research and analysis phase was personas. The personas were created based on data from Google Analytics, the client’s Facebook page, and user surveys. These personas helped to inform and defend the decision to prototype and design the site using a mobile-first approach.


Data-Driven Approach to Identify User Flows

The Information Architecture phase consisted of synthesizing Google Analytics behavior data with research collected in a content audit. With this data, we identified the core pages of the site. These core pages were those which were important to both the users’ goals and the client’s business needs. With the core pages as the foundation, we mapped out the expected user flows and created a site map.


Interactive Prototypes ensured alignment with Key Stakeholders

For each of the core pages, we conducted a content prioritization and brainstorming workshop to produce very low-fidelity whiteboard sketches. From these sketches, we each independently worked in Axure to create low-fi clickable prototypes. After an internal review, we conducted walkthroughs of the proposed user flow with the client stakeholders and iterated until wireframe pages were approved.
After a page or group of pages were approved, I walked through a demo of the functionality to designers and developers and worked with the project manager to ensure requirements were documented. I collaborated with Visual Designers and Developers throughout the rest of the project to ensure we continued to deliver ideal user experiences.



Responsive site delivers the right content to devoted audience.

The final outcome of this project was a mobile-first responsive site which prioritizes content for an increasingly mobile audience and encourages social engagement at every opportunity. The client was very happy with the results and continued to work with Arrow Digital on a retainer basis for personalization.

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