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Welcome to HELSINKI2020

Welcome to the Transatlantic Migrant Democracy Dialogue (TMDD) network and our 4th Democracy Summit - the 2020 digital edition!
We, members of TMDD network, strive for just, inclusive, vibrant and diverse democracies in Europe and the US that function for ALL PEOPLE— in which migrants and refugees are full participants.
The overarching theme for this year’s Democracy Summit is Alliance Building.

What to expect

Workshops: Community organising, Strategic communication (narratives and campaigns) and Political participation (representation and power).
Case-specific group sessions.
Thematic one-on-one discussions with experienced community organisers throughout the Autumn.

Dates and commitments

The online discussions, working groups and keynote speeches will take place late afternoon Central European Time. The sessions will last a maximum of 3 hours per day.
15-18 September 2020
19-20 November 2020

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