Our team is currently working on a Holy Spirit led decision making project. The project aims to provide guidance and direction to make important decisions. Through the use of advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques, our project will provide recommendations and guidance. Our goal is to empower our team to make well-informed decisions that are in alignment with what Holy Spirit wants to do within the organization
Prophetic & Intercessor Decision Making Matrix
Prophetic Team
Intercessor Team
Leadership/Board Team
Listing question ideas underneath the specific topic, assuming the topics will be assigned numbers (or letters) when the questions are asked about it. I’m brainstorming this with Holy Spirit. We are looking to have 5 questions per category.
Projects (ie: Project-1349) (goal is to get prophetic intel for knowing the seed, plant, harvest cycle, and to get intel for what fruit this project will produce, as well as the spiritual landscape we’re dealing with so we can make a more revelatory and wise decision)
Ask Holy Spirit what season goes with this number? Describe the characteristics He’s bringing to mind for that season.
Ask Holy Spirit to bring to mind a fruit for this number? Describe the characteristics He’s highlighting about that fruit.
Ask Holy Spirit what landscape He’s bringing to mind for this number? Describe the characteristics of that landscape He brought to mind.
People (goal is to get prophetic intel on a person’s giftings, anointing and function so we know how to place them and coordinate them)
Ask Holy Spirit what tool comes to mind for this number? Describe the function and characteristics of that tool.
Close you eyes and ask Holy Spirit to give you a gift for this number. Open the gift and describe what’s inside, tell me about the characteristics of the present.
Ask Holy Spirit what bible character comes to mind for this number? Tell me the characteristics of what stands out to you about that bible character.
Partner (goal is to get revelation on what asset they are to the assignments, projects and movement, to get more intel on their values and foundations and purity, and get prophetic intel on their state of being/how they’re made/how they function)
Ask Holy Spirit what superhero comes to mind for this number? Tell me about the superpowers and characteristics of that superhero.
Ask Holy Spirit what kind of raw building material comes to mind for this number? Describe the characteristics of the materials to me.
Ask Holy Spirit to bring to mind a location for this number? Describe the characteristics that are highlighted about this location.
Planning (level of urgency) - use a letter for this (goal is to get prophetic intel for timing and order characteristics)
Ask Holy spirit to show you a clock for this letter. Describe the details of the clock to me. Now tell me what time you see on that clock
Ask Holy Spirit what bird comes to mind for this letter. Describe the characteristics highlighted about this bird
Ask Holy Spirit to bring to mind a type of weather for this letter. What is it that came to mind? Describe the characteristics of that weather
Proceeds(I need more solid examples of what this alludes to so I can figure out the prophetic intel goal and formulate corresponding questions for harvesting that intel)
**Projects, people, partners, the order/urgency of planning and proceeds can all be identified as numbers or letters, completely objective
Process Flow Draft:
Leadership Team (Input)
Prophetic Team (Phase 1)
Intercessor Team (Phase 2)
Ideas for phases:
1. leadership team input
2. ascension groups/prayer groups
3. prophetic intercessors group for identifying patterns/themes symbolism of what HS is highlighting about selection
4. loop back to leadership team/stewards to finalize w/ HS
With the Holy Spirit and not for God
Project Order from Intercessors
Nancy Cohen / Ascension Group (Key) Finding Themes
What information are we harvesting? Questions?
Bible Characters, Colors, Animals, Fruit, Locations, Superhero **Numbers?) Things that activate people into symbolism.
Questions are for harvesting Holy Spirit intel, questions are being asked about the objective numbers or letters that correspond to a topic the person being asked is unaware of
Assign Project a number first. The questions about this project would be a color. Prophecy.
Ie: Project 7, All of you to ask Holy Spirit what color comes, what fruit, What bible character and list identifying factors = common factors
Not about the color but what information he gave about the color. What’s the prophetic pattern throughout the information? (Ie: revelation, ??, ??)
2-3 layers deep for Holy Spirit info to dig deep.
Get Jerry’s 1 week framework
Discipleship system with bite size wins - small groups, like 5 people. So there’s intimacy and accountability. Holy Spirit system for assigning group members and stewards/hosts?
Project has to be a fruit for somethings else. We need to turn them into colors. Harvest information out of right brain
Ascensions - Team / Who are not even trained - Ask God about that color.
People are subscribing to $30 per month, and then acension group. Create platform.
Lindsay Reiman Prophetic Lab Notes
Who God says they are
Example: I see you as a cowboy in rolling hills and pasture Harding cattle not sheep.
What they carry, whats in their tool belt
Example: You carry the gifts of discernment and peace. Your presence carry’s an ability for people to open up and receive the things you are saying. The wisdom you are saying.
insights into the future
Example: I see you at a large table of leaders and I feel the Cattle are the leaders and you carry the authority to speak into their lives and build relationship.
Actionable Intel
actions they can take to co-labor
Example: Consider sitting with God and asking how the story if Daniel can give you clarity and secrets to unlock you mantle and authority to lead leaders.
Scriptural intelligence
promises, hope or strategies anchored in the word of God (scripture)
Example: 1st Samuel 4:13
“When he arrived, there was Eli sitting on his chair by the side of the road, watching, because his heart feared for the ark of God. When the man entered the town and told what had happened, the whole town sent up a cry.”
Example: Person 5916
Blind Method
Describe their features
What do they carry? gifts, skills, unique
What sphere do they influence? Church, Govt, etc.
Why did God create them?
What is God saying about the future of this person.