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-What is it?

Mentimeter is an audience response

Continuous Module Dialogue (CMD)

The university is piloting a different way to get feedback from students about the modules they are taking. The
pilot will end the use of Module Evaluations and replace it with ‘Continuous Module Dialogue’. The aim is to keep ahead of issues as they happen instead of waiting until the end of the module before making any changes. By doing this it is hoped that the students will feel that they can raise issues or ask for clarification throughout the module and that there will be more relevance to enhancements.
Obviously, you may already be doing something like this but this is trying to make that good practice standard across the whole of UCL. Ultimately, this should be reflected in better scores for the
and so the

What is CMD?

Continuous Module Dialogue is a pilot to get feedback through conversations with students within class time. Full details including resources which can be adapted as required.

Do I have to use Mentimeter?

Mentimeter has been suggested as something that you can use but you do not have to use it. There are benefits to using a system like this.
You have an account via UCL so you don’t have to remember passwords and you always know where the responses are
It should make things easier for you in that you can capture data from the responses automatically as well as how many of your students responded, dates and times etc.
The information that you will providing to your Director of Teaching about your experience of the process may be things like this (numbers, dates etc) so you would have these to hand.
The students can respond anonymously
You can address issues/questions/suggestions immediately or in the next scheduled session

Things to think about

Do students need to have an account to respond?

No. They just need to be able to access the web. The link is open to whoever has the passcode for the session.

What if there are problems in the room?

As usual there will be times when there may be an issue with the
or wifi. If this is the case then Option B is to resort to paper and a show of hands, which may or may not be ideal but you can get a sense of the room. It would mean of course that you need to record in some way the feedback and the amount of people who responded etc. You could also provide a link to the questions (e.g. “Was everything clear?” etc) which can be answered after class but again, this may not be ideal as the response rate may be affected.

What if my students don’t have a device to access the web?

We know that have a mobile phone. However, depending on when your class is, batteries may be drained or students may have not brought their phones with them. They can use anything that connects to the web which may help or you might find it useful to set the expectation that they should have their devices with them so that they can respond. It may be an option for someone to share their device to allow another to respond or they could comment for them. Either way, this is not a high stakes event, so you should be able to have some form of conversation.

Can I change the questions?

Yes. Mentimeter is very flexible and you can change the questions and even change the questions in the templates.

Who sees the responses?

Only the people who you share the information with. All the responses go to your account and cannot be accessed unless you provide access. The responses are not meant to be shared with anyone, and when reporting back to the Department you will only need to provide how many students engaged with the process and what you did as a result (if anything).
NB: The templates that are provided are designed to be used as part of a discussion in class and so are set to show the results to those in the room. This can be changed if you are going to review the feedback first and then discuss as part of a future session.

What if I don’t have an answer for the students?

If the students have commented on something is beyond your gift to change then it may be better to provide a clarification or simply let them know that there are limits to your powers! Setting expectations as previously mentioned might be a better way of avoiding disappointment.

Finding out more

Courses from UCL Digital Education Team

This course has been specifically designed to introduce the basics and to show how it might be used for the CMD pilot (running in October 2022)
Guides to using Mentimeter (via Mentimeter) A series of short videos explaining and demonstrating the software
- inc Mentimeter for Beginners, Intermediate etc
Continous Module Dialogue - (Web page from UCL explaining the CMD initiative and how Mentimeter might be included)
Mentimeter Resource Centre -

Additional support

Arena Support:
Faculty Digital Education Support (
Contact me if you want to go through how you might use it with your class or if you are unsure about how to use it in a live class.

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