DRB | Part 2: Patriarchs 1

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Job 17

Job's hope in God: he expects rest in death.

My spirit shall be wasted, my days shall be shortened, and only the grave remaineth for me.
I have not sinned, and my eye abideth in bitterness.
Deliver me O Lord, and set me beside thee, and let any man's hand fight against me.
Thou hast set their heart far from understanding, therefore they shall not be exalted.
He promiseth a prey to his companions, and the eyes of his children shall fail.
[2] "Not sinned": That is, I am not guilty of such sins as they charge me with.
He hath made me as it were a byword of the people, and I am an example before them.
My eye is dim through indignation, and my limbs are brought as it were to nothing.
The just shall be astonished at this, and the innocent shall be raised up against the hypocrite.
And the just man shall hold on his way, and he that hath clean hands shall be stronger and stronger.
Wherefore be you all converted, and come, and I shall not find among you any wise man.
My days have passed away, my thoughts are dissipated, tormenting my heart.
They have turned night into day, and after darkness I hope for light again.
If I wait hell is my house, and I have made my bed in darkness.
If I have said to rottenness: Thou art my father; to worms, my mother and my sister.
Where is now then my expectation, and who considereth my patience?
[13] "Hell": Sheol. The region of the dead.
All that I have shall go down into the deepest pit: thinkest thou that there at least I shall have rest?
[16] "Deepest pit": Literally, hell.
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