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Quick Guide

(SF & LA Licenses, SF OOC Permit, CA Tax Permit, CA Seller’s Permit, EIN, and W9)
(WOVN Receiving SOP)

License Numbers

San Francisco: C11-0000371-LIC
Los Angeles: C11-0000497-LIC

Filigreen Contacts

Your Account Service Rep
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Department Contacts
Use Case
Logistics and Delivery Scheduling
Checking on delivery status
Account Assistance
Issues or questions about a submitted and processed order
Goes to the entire ASR team
Best to copy asr@filigreen.com on ALL emails, in case someone is OOO
Adjust product images on the marketplace
Order doc set revisions

Questions regarding payments
Collaborate on New Product Releases
Request Product Photography Services
Collaborate on Product Sales
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Order Deadlines

Order Approval

M-F, 10am PT for 24-48 hour shipping
* An order is considered approved once a retailer marks it as approved in our system. An order that has been submitted, but not approved by the retailer, is not considered approved.

Inter-hub Transfer Submission

SF > LA: Tuesday 10am for Thursday transfer
LA > SF: Wednesday 10am for Friday transfer

Service Tickets and Transfers

Should be entered at least 48 hours prior to event
* An event could be sample pickup, bulk pickup from farms, retail ready units from manufacturer, etc

Payout Appointments

All brand payouts occur on Fridays and require an appointment. Click the button below to schedule your appointment.
This action can also be accessed within the WOVN Portal. Click the bullet for info.
1. Login to the
2. Click on "Finance" in navigation bar
3. Click on

COA Expiration Options

We know there are a lot of questions around what to do if your product is coming up on a COA expiration. That’s why we’ve created a super simple infographic explaining all your options. Click the link below to view/download the infographic.

Marketplace Photography Standards

All products listed on our marketplace need to have a photo that falls within the parameters set in the doc below. If you don’t have product images to these specifications, let us know! We have an incredible photography team that can help you in no time.
Interested in product photography services?


Dashboards are quick chart views of preloaded reports displaying your account data. This could be anything from how many of each SKU you have available to which of your products are selling best in a certain region.

Got questions?

Email Onboarding Support

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