Site of 5-15 Alcester Road Moseley Birmingham B13 8AR
Erection of three storey building to provide 11 no. apartments with associated external space, parking and landscaping.
c/o The Agent
Reserved Matters Development
Land at Hazelwell Lane Stirchley Birmingham B30
Reserved Matters Consent seeking permission for appearance, layout, scale and landscaping of a food retail store with associated parking, engineering, landscaping, drainage and infrastructure works following outline approval 2018/10370/PA
c/o The Agent
Land And Buildings At Angel Croft & Westgate Beacon Street Lichfield Staffordshire WS13 7AA
Refurbishment, extension and conversion of Westgate House (Grade II listed) to create 4 no. apartments and 1 no. townhouse, conversion and extension of existing outbuilding to create 1 no. detached dwelling, conversion and extension of Westgate Cottage (Grade II listed) to provide boutique hotel (12 no. guest suites) and spa and 6 no. apartments, detached apartment building to provide 13 no. apartments, erection of 3 no. dwellings and detached garages, erection of garaging and 4 no. apartments over, basement car parking, bridge over Leamonsley Brook, hard and soft landscaping, access and associated works.
Mr B Friel
Three Spires House Station Road Lichfield WS13 6HX United Kingdom
Land West Of Ivetsey Road Wheaton Aston
Erection of 32 no. dwellings with associated parking, new access and adopted road.
Mr Andrew Marsden
Shropshire Homes Ltd The Old Workhouse Chestnuts Cross Houses Shrewsbury SY5 6JH
Full Planning Application
Everglades Brynhafod Lane Oswestry Shropshire SY11 1SH
Change of use of existing residential dwelling/bed and breakfast (C3/B1 Use) to C2 Residential Care home with associatedexternal works to extend parking provision
Achieve Together
J. Hughes Gunpowder Works Bysing Wood Road Faversham ME13 7UD
Former Kings Norton Police Station Wharf Road Kings Norton Birmingham B30 3LT
Demolition of existing building and structures and redevelopment to form 38 retirement apartments including communal facilities, access, car parking and landscaping
c/o The Agent
Land on the South-East side of Silver Street Kings Heath Birmingham B14 7QX
Demolition of existing building and erection of three storey building comprising of 52 no. retirement apartments (Use Class C3) with communal facilities, car parking and landscaping
c/o The Agent
Full Planning Application
Land To The North Of Weston Road Morda Oswestry Shropshire
Erection of 20 (affordable) dwellings with associated roads and formation of vehicular access
Wrekin Housing Trust
Mr Scott Drummond The Warehouse Sabrina Court Longden Coleham Shrewsbury SY3 7BF
Full Planning Application
Land At Golf House Lane Prees Heath Shropshire
Erection of 43 dwelling houses (24 open market and 19 affordable) including new vehicular access; public open space and children's play area; landscaping; and associated infrastructure
Gleeson Homes
Fao: Mr P Stanley 108 Mere Grange Elton Head Road St Helens WA9 5GG
Permitted Development Commercial from May 2013
162-164 Digbeth Court High Street Bordesley Birmingham B12 0LD
Prior approval notification for a change of use from offices (Use Class E(g)(i) to 19 apartments (Use Class C3)
c/o The Agent