Everyone faces crises and difficult situations during their lives; that might be a psychological and mental problem, loss, conflicts with friends or family or multiple. In situations like that it helps to have a few tools and strategies to help you stay on track. This does not replace a therapy, but is a good addition before, during and after a therapy, or just a way to have some help in difficult situations generally speaking.
Only by learning to cope with situations (especially with those that won’t change any time soon or ever) we can develop resilience and grow through crises that we will have to face in the future.
Effectively using different coping strategies means experiencing self-effiancy and understanding ones responsibility regarding your own mental state (accepting this responsibility can also mean to get professional help). Both are vital when it comes to self-development and growth.
The strategies that will be introduced to you can be used for seemingly simple decision making processes and stressful situation, but also actual mental health issues such as anxiety or others.

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