We have partnered with Fridays for Future Digital, collaborating to organize a digital strike on April 24. We asked participants to create a sign, the focus is #DefenderLosDefensores. The emphasis emphasizes making visible to indigenous communities and the injustices they face for days to protect their territories. Feel free to decorate your sign with facts, quotes, or pictures; everything is fine as long as the core message is clear. Don't forget to post on social networks with RaícesLibres, #PollutersOut, #DefendTheDefenders #DigitalStrike. Remember to tag us when you post the photo IG | @libresraices, @pollutersout, and @fff.digital Twitter | @LibresRaices, @pollutersout, and @fff_digital
We encourage participants to tag friends, family or governments that they think need to hear this message and when they post, post a simple description of the photo and encourage people to get involved! Together we can make an impact
Aimed at governments and companies [Mining, extractors] who have a history of attacking indigenous rights and invaders of indigenous lands