The Chao-Khao people are located in the north and northwest of Thailand. They are “highland peoples“, one of nine so-called “hill-tribes”: Hmong, Karen, Lisu, Mien, Akha, Lahu, Lua, Thin, Khamu.
Thai business 99 Thuwanon: applied for a coal mining concession in Kabeudin village (Karen village) since 2000, Omkoi (that’s the district) residents, CSOs and others → Omkoi Anti-Coal Mine Network (OKACMN), members are being threatened by government authorities.
Directly affects 1,541 households (6,115 people), indirectly affects residents of Omkoi (approx. 56,582 people / 13,556 households).
Effects: air pollution, destroyed or very limited livelihoods, polluted water sources, forest and biodiversity loss (even though the government signed the Convention on Biological Diversity CBD) etc.